Network support: Technology, institution, change

Researchers are invited to apply for funding for new networks and for guest researchers.

Scientific achievements, technological development and institutional changes seem to go hand in hand both in a longer and a shorter historical perspective. How they interact can be advantageously explored in multidisciplinary constellations. Several new technologies have resulted in rapid and revolutionary transformations, for example nanotechnology, digital information technology, medical technologies and biotechnology. Global warming brings to the fore questions about how technology, forms of governance and institutional arrangements should be designed to bring about the necessary pressure for transformation. Technology development processes are complex and thus difficult to predict and plan. Society and its citizens need a critical discussion about new technologies. It can be about evaluating the new technologies by placing them in ethical, legal, political and social contexts, or directing attention to uncertainties and risks that would otherwise be in the background. The research can contribute to an initiated debate about technology and societal changes.

Area group for research on technology, institution, change works with this theme. To further promote initiatives for new research and new research collaborations within this theme, researchers outside the area group are invited to apply for funding for:

New networks. Through the network grants, RJ wishes to increase researchers' opportunities for new, flexible research collaborations, promote the establishment of new interdisciplinary research environments and increase mobility. The networks must always include researchers in the humanities and social sciences, but may also include other subjects. They should include both junior and senior researchers and should include participants from several higher education institutions. Anyone applying for a grant must have a doctorate. The grant is a maximum of SEK 150,000 per year for a maximum of three years. No salary funds are granted.
Visiting researcher. Grants are granted to pay for a one-month stay at a Swedish university for a foreign researcher within the area group's theme. The time must be spent on completing ongoing scientific work, lectures and participating in seminar activities at the specific research environment. RJ can finance costs for salary, travel, accommodation and premises during the research stay. The applicant is responsible for the planning and all practical arrangements (insurance, accommodation, visas and the like).

The applications must contain a maximum of 10,000 characters incl. blank space and sent by email to