RJ Flexit: additional opportunity 2016
RJ invites applications for Flexit jobs, i.e. four in-house research positions at companies or organisations ('host establishments') in Sweden.
Flexit is a project that seeks new, flexible solutions to spread research and researchers outside higher education institutions (HEIs). Its main purposes are:
- To build bridges between humanities and social sciences (HSS) research and companies and organisations outside academia.
- To facilitate knowledge exchange and encourage contacts so that more non-academic organisations can perceive and profit from the expertise of postdoctoral HSS specialists.
We also hope, through this programme, to point out alternative career opportunities for HSS researchers. In the long term, RJ seeks to influence the academic merit system so that academia values experience from the business world more highly, and vice versa.
Experience to date has been very good, both for the host establishments and for the researchers. In the new version of Flexit, we hope to enhance academic institutions' involvement in the programme and bridge-building. After an evaluation of the Flexit pilot project, RJ has opened the programme to senior researchers as well and organised the positions so that the researcher is employed at the host establishment (company or organisation) for two years, followed by a year at an HEI. Accordingly, applicants must have established affiliations to their departments by the time of the application.
The companies and organisations taking part in this Flexit call are Research and Development in Sörmland (Forskning och Utveckling i Sörmland); Leanlink's Advice & Support (Leanlink, Råd & Stöd); the City District Administration of Angered (Stadsdelsförvaltningen Angered) and the West Sweden Tourist Board (Turistrådet Västsverige).
Below, they describe the research areas that interest them. As a prospective Flexit researcher, your task is to transform the issues into an inspiring and practical research plan. Get in touch with the contact persons for the organisations concerned to discuss your ideas and so that you can draw up a research plan with a realistic budget.
You are welcome to contact current Flexit researchers as well.
Research and Development in Sörmland (FoUiS)
The development of society in recent years has meant new approaches to the position and role of the citizen. The requirements for participation, accessibility and choice based on citizens' perspectives and experiences are increasing. To cope with this, municipalities and county councils need to develop competence in communication at individual, business and/or organizational level. We are therefore interested in research on communication that hinders or enables participation.
Examples of questions:
How can a public organization better take advantage of citizens' perspectives and experiences?
How can communication contribute to increasing efficiency and quality in the business?
What is the importance of communication for individual/person-centredness and participation?
Are you interested in researching this? Within the framework of RJ's Flexit initiative, we are looking for a committed researcher who wants to take on the challenge of contributing to future social development. We want you to write a research plan in your application that describes how you would like to tackle one or more of the above issues. Alternatively, you can approach the problem from a different perspective. Please describe how you think about transferring the research results to concrete practice.
We expect you to have a PhD in, for example, ethnology, gender studies, pedagogy, or linguistics, but we are also open to other subjects. Read more about R&D in Sörmland at: www.fou.sormland.se
The research is carried out in collaboration between F&I and the Development Unit of the Sörmland County Council. A common development area for the county's municipalities and the county council is individual and person-centredness.
FoUiS is a county-wide resource for municipalities and the county council to strengthen long-term regional structures for knowledge development within social services and adjacent parts of healthcare. FoUiS is a link between research, development and practice.
The development unit in County Council Sörmland is a resource to support management and activities in the development and follow-up of health care in Sörmland.
Contact person
Carina Forsman Björkman, head of R&D
phone: 016-541 40 31, 070-348 87 09
e-mail: carina.forsman@fou.sormland.se
Structure of Flexit positions
The positions are for a maximum of three years, and consist of 75% research and 25% service first at the host establishment and thereafter at the HEI department. RJ funds salary costs and other expenses relating to the research, while the host establishment pays salary for the remainder of the position and bears the costs of office workspace, office infrastructure and various benefits at the workplace. For the first two years, the host establishment is the employer and appoints a contact person for the researcher, who is based on the premises as an in-house researcher but is expected to retain and develop contacts with academia.
During the third year of the project, the researcher is based at an HEI department, continues with the research in the Flexit project and maintains contacts with the host establishment. During the third year, when the researcher is located at the academic department, RJ's grants cover indirect costs and costs of premises.
Who is eligible to apply?
The applicant must have obtained a doctoral degree in a subject in humanities or social sciences (HSS). The applicant should also have good social skills and good networks both inside and outside the research community.
Every researcher must send in a certificate from an HEI department. This letter must bear the signature of the head of department or equivalent and reach RJ not later than the deadline, which is 4:00 pm on 10 February 2016. The certificate must also be included with the application and placed after the application letter and CV under the heading 'Publications'.
The head of department's certificate (in Word) should also contain information about what the affiliation will include during the first two years of the Flexit project (a maximum grant of SEK 30,000 a year is payable for administrative costs of affiliation during the first two years of the project). Affiliation should include access to library services, copying facilities and some administrative assistance. The certificate from the department also guarantees that the department has the intention of employing the researcher during the third year of the project.
Selection process
After an expert review, organised by RJ, interviews will be conducted during April and May 2016. The contact persons at the host establishments (companies and organisations) will invite applicants to interviews, and any allowance for travel expenses will be paid by RJ. The positions will be filled between 1 July 2016 and 31 December 2016.
The application system will be open from 11 January 2016. Applications must reach RJ by 4:00 pm on 10 February 2016.
Applications are submitted via rj.se. Read the instructions under 'Make an application' to the right.
- Specify the host establishment for your position in the heading and the application letter. Under the heading 'Publikationer' ('Publications'), you should place the head of department's certificate, a CV (describing your qualifications, including an account of your connection with a Swedish HEI), names of referees and a brief list of publications. Under 'Anslagsförvaltare' ('Grant administrator'), specify the HEI department that will host you. Specify the HEI's employer's social-insurance contribution top-up rate (LKP ). The salary you state in the application must be based on current salary, which also applies during the project (including the customary salary revision). The same thing applies to the budget item 'Drift' ('Operating costs'). The operating costs specified in the application need to be well founded and are (if approved) the ones that will apply to the project.
- For every project grant, RJ also awards an internationalisation grant. This grant may be used for research stays abroad, inviting foreign research colleagues, national and international conference travel, and language editing of material in languages other than Swedish. Accordingly, do not list these costs in your application.
- RJ also grants funding for publication with open access. These costs should therefore not be listed in the application either.
- Apart from your personal letter, the head of department's certificate (in Word) and your CV, the application should contain titles and summaries in Swedish and English, and a research plan with particulars of the research that the applicant wishes to conduct, on the basis of the research area specified by the company or organisation (under the heading Project description).
- The research plan should cover the purpose, disposition, theory, method and implementation of the research and how it relates to the international research frontline. The plan should also clarify how the researcher is planning to strengthen ties and facilitate knowledge exchange between academia and the business sector. The plan may not exceed 20,000 characters, including spaces, in length.
The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the research is compatible with the ethical guidelines laid down by the Swedish Research Council, and that ethical assessment is carried out where required.
If you have any questions about the positions, contact Maria Wikse, maria.wikse@rj.se, phone +46-(0)8-50 62 64 10, but also the host establishment concerned and its contact person.
We decline advertising invitations.