Communication Projects 2017
Riksbankens Jubileumsfond’s (RJ) communication projects award funding to researcher to disseminate research and increase collaboration with the surrounding community. RJ Sabbatical is a pilot initiative.
To renew and strengthen opportunities for researchers to disseminate their results, RJ is announcing the availability of SEK 4 million for 2017. The announcement is the second round of a pilot initiative that runs 2016–2018. Grants will be awarded to projects aimed at strengthening and renewing research communication and collaboration in the subject areas RJ supports (humanities and social sciences).
The aim of this initiative is to more effectively address the researchers’ own capacity for initiatives and interest in collaboration and research communication. This can include lecture series, popularisations, films, podcasts, exhibitions, blogs or collaborations in the form of targeted advising of decision makers or projects together with practitioners and/or stakeholders in the research’s results.
The closing date for applications is 21 September 2017, 4 PM.
Decisions will be made by the Board’s working committee. No reasons will be given for the Board’s decisions. Awarded grants are disbursed on a requisition basis.
In 2018, an additional call will be announced. Its focus may be affected by experience from previous calls.
- The grant’s size can vary between SEK 50,000 and SEK 500,000.
- This is a one-time grant and cannot be extended beyond the period of application.
- Applications are to include all costs for the project’s implementation. Salary expenses are to be included within the above budget.
- Explain whether the application is for partial financing, and whether funds are being applied for elsewhere. If other funding is received before RJ’s announcement, RJ is to be informed.
- No funding is awarded for indirect costs and costs of premises.
- If the applicant does not have a PhD, researchers with PhDs and/or a scientific council are to be associated with the project.
- Participants do not need to have completed reports for previous RJ projects.
- The application can be combined with other grants from RJ and with other financiers.
- Scientific seminars fall outside the scope of this grant as does the production of books.
- If the project generates a financial surplus within 5 years, parts of or the entire grant must be repaid to RJ.
- Applications are submitted online, using RJ's web-based application system, and the project manager is to provide his/her Orcid, an international collaboration identification number for researchers (
The application is to be written in Swedish or English and contain the following parts:
- Grant manager
- Title of the project in Swedish and English.
- Summary, maximum 1500 characters incl. blanks, in Swedish and English, which will be published on RJ’s website if the application is approved. Clarify the purpose of the project here.
- Budget
- Name all staff. List them as project participants with their monthly salaries, employer’s social-insurance contribution top-up (LKP) and working time in the project.
- Salaries, LKP, operation and working time for all staff must be specified and reasons given in the project description.
- Specify SEK 0 as the monthly salary of project participants who are not being paid within the project.
- Report working time for any other staff, such as assistants and technical staff, as well, but do not name them. The costs are to be listed under ‘Drift' (‘Operation’).
- Explain whether the application is for partial financing and whether funds are being applied for elsewhere under the Budgetkommentar tab (Budget comments).
- Resource needs (salaries and operation) and working time for all staff are to be specified and explained under the Budgetkommentar tab.
No unspecified or unexplained costs will be approved.
- Project description up to 19,200 characters incl. spaces, that clarifies:
- the project’s theme
- purpose and why the project is important
- whether the project is part of a broader context or whether it is a collaboration with bodies outside the higher education institution
- choice of target group(s), dissemination channels and reasons for the choices
- project plan – indicating the start date for both the preparations and the project itself
- implementation
- resource needs – indicate if there are more financiers and be extremely detailed about the costs that the grant is to cover
- what research and what researchers (potentially scientific councils) and/or other staff members are included and relevant competences and qualifications for them
- how the applicant intends to evaluate the project.
The results of the chosen projects are to be published using open access, when relevant.
Assessment criteria
Applications are assessed based on their originality, importance and relevance in relation to the stated purposes and target groups, and feasibility.
Final report
All chosen projects are to submit a final report to RJ when the project is completed, by the date stated in the contract. In the final report, the project manager is to report on the initiative’s implementation and the experiences gained. The final report will be published on RJ’s website.