Research on research ethics
Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, the Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities, and the Swedish Research Council announce a joint project grant for research on research ethics.
- Fields: all
- Applicants: individual researchers or smaller research groups with a Swedish connection
- Projects awarded for: minimum one year and maximum three years
- Application amount: minimum SEK 1 million and maximum SEK 8 million for projects as a whole
- Application period opens: 14 April at 10:00
- Applications period closes: 7 May at 15:00
- Decisions are made on: 26 November
- Projects start: 2021
Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, the Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities, and the Swedish Research Council have identified a need for additional Swedish research on research ethics, particularly within the humanities and social sciences. For this reason, they would like to promote scholarly efforts within a field that is crucial for the legitimacy of research.
The purpose is to promote Swedish research om research ethics. The intention is for the projects to expand knowledge and awareness of research ethics through the creation of empirical results and the development of concepts of high academic quality. Both research on good research practices, central concepts, regulation of the research world, peer review and publication patterns, access to data and the researcher's function as expert can be relevant in this context. Questions of interpretation and application of concepts and regulations are encouraged. The applicant is given the freedom to formulate the research idea, method and implementation and to solve the defined research assignment within a limited time frame. We encourage applications by researchers active within the humanities and social sciences, but grants are open to all academic fields.
Terms and conditions
- The project is to have a Swedish link. This means that researchers active in Sweden participate in the research or that a Swedish research institute is involved.
- All participating researchers applying for salary funding are to have obtained a PhD by the application date.
- Project leaders and project participants do not need to have submitted their final report for previous research projects to be able to apply for this grant but are to list any ongoing grants in their applications.
- You may only participate in one application regardless of whether you are a project leader or project participant.
- Applying for grants within the framework of this call for applications does not eliminate the option of applying for grants from the funders' other support forms.
- The maximum project working time is 75 per cent for each individual researcher per year.
- Project working time for the project manager is to equal at least 20 per cent for each budget year.
- Costs of non-Swedish project participants working in Sweden or other countries and costs of research stays outside Sweden may be included.
- Salaries for professors can be paid as part of the project.
- Researchers aged 67 and over can be paid in the project provided that the researcher is employed by a grant administrator approved by RJ.
- The project leader is to ensure that the research meets the Swedish Research Council's ethical recommendations and an ethical assessment is conducted when required.
Applications are submitted electronically through RJ's application system. We request that you familiarise yourself with the application form while also reading the below instructions. The application is to have the following parts:
The summary is to be written in Swedish and English and may be at most 1,500 characters, including spaces. It should explain why the research is important, its purpose and how it will be implemented. The summary must be formulated in such a way that is understandable to an interested layperson. If the application is approved, the summary will be posted on RJ's website.
The project description may contain up to 32,000 characters including spaces, is to be written in English and is to cover:
- The research question
- The purpose
- Theory and method
- The research plan and explanation of the project period
- Contribution to the international research front
- The most important work internationally in the research field
- The role of the researcher(s) in the project and their relevant skills and qualifications
- Current employment status of all research staff
- List of international collaborations, if any.
- Plan for how information about the project and the research results will be communicated, both within the academic community and in society at large. Read more about RJ's policy for open access to scholarly production.
- Name all research staff. List them as project participants with their monthly salaries, employer's social-insurance contribution top-up (LKP) and working time in the project.
- Specify SEK 0 as the monthly salary of project participants who are not being paid within the project.
- Report working time and salary costs for any non-research staff, such as assistants and technical staff, under Drift (operating costs), but do not name them.
- Specify and explain resource needs (salaries and operation) and working time for non-research staff.
- Costs for dissemination of results, including costs for open access and production support are to be specified.
- No indirect costs are to be listed in the application.
- For every project grant, a grant for indirect costs and costs of premises is added according to the model applied by RJ. This also includes costs that arise at other research units, both in Sweden and abroad.
- All costs are specified and explained under Budgetspecifikation (budget specifications). Unspecified or unexplained costs will not be approved.
The application is to be approved by the grant administrator, signed by both the project leader and head of department or equivalent and sent by regular mail to RJ no later than one week after the deadline. Only the cover pages with the budget and signature are to be sent in, not the entire application. RJ will process only signed applications.
Assessment criteria and review process
The crucial criteria for decisions are the scholarly quality of the research content and the feasibility of the project. Projects are evaluated and prioritised by a review panel comprising international researchers appointed by the funders. RJ's Board makes the formal decisions on research grants. No explanations will be given for the board's decisions.