Riksbankens Jubileumsfond grants SEK 370 million for research


Today, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond has granted SEK 370 million to a total of 83 research projects of between six months and eight years.

RJ funds research in the humanities and social sciences. In the recurring forms of support, RJ finances researcher-initiated projects, and in 2021 the following will be granted:

  • 44 RJ Project (research of up to three years)
  • 3 RJ Program (larger research group funded for six to eight years)
  • 8 RJ Infrastructure for research (efforts to promote future research, for example making collections available or establishing databases)
  • 28 RJ Sabbatical (researchers can complete long-term research for six to twelve months)

The three largest projects, RJ Program, are awarded a total of SEK 120 million and are:

Håvard Hegre Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University
Societies at Risk: The Impact of Armed Conflict on Human Development

Johan Ling Department of Historical Studies, Gothenburg University
Maritime encounters: a counterpoint to the dominant land-based narrative of European prehistory

Nina Tahmasebi Department of Swedish Language, University of Gothenburg
Change is key! The study of contemporary and historical societies using methods for synchronic semantic variation and diachronic semantic change

The research projects can begin in 2022. All granted projects are briefly described on rj.se and when the projects are finished, the most important scientific results are also presented on the website.

All granted projects are presented in RJ's research list.