Frequently asked questions 2023

RJ has taken several measures in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Please read more about our actions.

Log in to the application system and follow the instructions. You can change your email address under Personal details.

Choose Personal details, then HEI/organization. The new address is to be complete with the name of the higher education institution, organisation or company, street or box address, postcode, town or city, and (if outside Sweden) county or area and country. After a few days, the new address will appear in the drop-down menu.

Choose Personal details. Registered users can update only their own titles.

You should not add your track record. Instead, describe your role in the project and any relevant skills and qualifications under Projektbeskrivningen (project description). However, it is possible to list the main publications of all project participants under Publikationer (publications). A maximum of five titles per project participant.

Enter the birth date of a person without a Swedish personal identity number, in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD.

As the applicant you are responsible for the entire application. This means you have to find out which rules apply to all the project participants, whichever higher education institution or organisation they are associated with, abroad as well as in Sweden.

Scientific references you may refer to in your project description can be added under References. These characters are not part of the actual project description.

All costs associated with solving the research task including costs for disseminating results

  • Salaries of named researchers: As salary funding for named researchers, RJ normally awards the sum corresponding to the researcher's actual salary level and explained in relation to the research task.
  • As for LKP (employer's social-insurance contribution top-up) and similar employer's contribution costs, remuneration is approved in accordance with calculations from the Swedish Agency for Government Employers, SAGE (and the National Government Employee Pensions Board, SPV). However, RJ does not fund additional locally determined salary increments.
  • Costs for operation, including staff who are not named in the application: To cover operating costs, including costs of staff not named in the application, RJ approves only costs that are specified and explained in relation to the research task.

RJ's model for indirect costs depends on the volume of research time. For full-time (100%) employment lasting one year (12 months), a grant of SEK 170,000 is payable (from 1 January 2022). The volume of working time in a three-year project at a 75% employment rate is 225%, so the grant consists of 2.25 x 170,000 = SEK 382,500.

For further information, contact

No, those project managers or participants who are rejected in the first stage of the application process two years running may not apply for RJ Project grants the following year.

Yes, if you obtain your doctorate before the closing date for applications. At the time of application, all research staff are to have completed their doctorates.

No, you may only participate in one RJ Project grant application, irrespective of whether you are a project leader or a participant. This rule does not limit your option of applying for other types of grants. For example, you can apply for RJ Programme and RJ Project grants at the same time.

By the time they apply, all the project participants must have issued final reports on any previous grants awarded by RJ.

No, you should revise your existing application.

Yes, if that person is employed by a grant administrator approved of by RJ, at the start of the project.

Contact the research manager in charge no later than in the last six months of your period of funding if you need to apply for an extension owing to parental leave and/or illness. Extensions must be applied for by the project leader.

  1. The researcher who is simultaneously awarded a new grant to the same or a similar project from RJ and another source of funding must choose which of the funds will be taken.
  2. The researcher who is simultaneously awarded a new grant from RJ and another source of funding must choose which of the funds are to be taken if the total work time in the Project exceeds 100 per cent.
  3. The researcher who has funding from RJ while receiving a new grant from another source of funding is contractually obliged to report this to RJ and must receive RJ's approval.

The project manager is responsible for assuring that RJ approves of the change of grant administrator. If for any reason there is a need to change the grant administrator, this must be communicated to RJ for approval. Please contact the research manager in charge.

Yes, everyone who applies for RJ Programmes and RJ Projects can include plans and budget for collaboration and sharing findings in the application. From 2022, approved RJ Projects are awarded a separate collaboration grant of up to SEK 150,000.

More about the collaboration grant and RJ’s other grants for collaboration

There is no maximum amount. To gain an understanding of the size of the grants that RJ awards, see Grants listing.