A National Organ and Keyboard Research Centre
The aim of the project is to develop an interdisciplinary national centre of knowledge at the Göteborg Organ Art Center (GOArt), Göteborg University, for the benefit of research concerned with the history, construction, function, and music of the organ and other keyboard instruments. The project follows up, broadens and integrates the infrastructural work performed within previous research projects at GOArt. The project creates new conditions for research in this field by making accessible and bringing together various kinds of important source material, including results from previous and ongoing research at GOArt, archival documents of particular importance, as well as literature that would otherwise be difficult to access. The hub of the project will be an Internet-based system of databases.
The project consists of four parts with the following central areas of work: further developing the GOArt database system and integrating new components into it (parts one and two); improving the GOArt library, which contains, among other things, an almost complete collection of organ literature in Swedish, so that it can serve the function of a national research library within this field (part three); and making inventories of archival material of particular importance to research, primarily in Swedish collections (part four). Parts of the project will be conducted in collaboration with the National Heritage Board, Uppsala University, and the University of Siegen, Germany.
Final report
Digital scientific report in English is missing. Please contact rj@rj.se for information.