Open Osteological Collections
The aim of the project is to make the internationally unique and valuable collections of osteological material held by the Museum of National Antiquities available to the public via Internet using digital information technique, thereby enabling more research to be carried out on them. Of all the museum's collections the osteological material is most in demand by researchers within various disciplines both nationally and internationally. If all the osteological collections were searchable in the same way, it would provide great help, for instance to all educational institutions. Increased accessibility would thus also allow us to make the osteological material available for more academic users than those at the geographically close institutions. In this connection ethical questions are also of the utmost importance. It is vital that the material, especially the human material, is stored and documented in an ethically satisfactory way. For SHM this project constitutes a significant effort to ensure that the material is stored in an ethically more appropriate way. The work will include registration, documentation and digitisation of 130 - 150 tons of human and faunal osteological material. It is one stage in the long-term strategy of the museum to enhance the possibilities of conducting research into the collections. The intention is that the reorganisation of the material itself will generate ideas and research suggestions. For this reason a reference group has been constituted consisting of representatives for educational and research bodies within osteology. The group has been commissioned to continually follow the project and to ensure that the ideas it generates are dealt with in an educationally and scientifically progressive way. More detailed information about this work is available on the home page of the museum:
Final report
Digital scientific report in English is missing. Please contact for information.