Karl Grandin

The Swedenborg archives at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences: A Cataloguing project

Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) is one of the most renowned of Swedish authors. The major part of his posthumous manuscripts, consisting of 80 bound volumes, is located at the archives of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholm. In June 2005, UNESCO decided to put the Swedenborg collection on the Memory of the World List. This places a particular national obligation for its preservation on the relevant institutions, as well as for making it accessible. A complete inventory has not been made of the collection since 1772, and today there is no catalogue that thoroughly describes the manuscripts and their contents. In many cases the material is also in need of conservation. The goal of the project is thus to increase the availability of the Swedenborg archives for research, and to secure and preserve the collection. New knowledge about the Swedenborg collection will be gained through the project, which in itself will be a major contribution to research. The project will also result in a database as well as in a printed catalogue. These will subsequently be presented at an international symposium. During the project, necessary conservation measures will be taken in order to preserve the collection. The catalogues, in database and paper format, will make it possible to extract and arrange the information about the texts in the collection partly according to new principles. In this way, new possibilities to study the organisation of Swedenborg's complex system of thought will arise.

Final report

Digital scientific report in English is missing. Please contact rj@rj.se for information.

Grant administrator
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Reference number
SEK 1,800,000
RJ Infrastructure for research