Ulf Sandström

Searching for Excellence and Funding Effects

Large sums of Swedish tax payers money are spent on research. The aim of research policy is to extract maximal benefit from these funds. However, surprisingly little research has been done regarding which ways to distribute money that are most effective and whether some policies may even be counter-productive. We believe that systematic analysis of funding modes, especially the Center of Excellence model, can be the basis for relevant questions about how research money should be allocated to achieve the best results.
Final report

Sandstrom, U & U Heyman (2015) What does funding mean for research quality? (Ed.) B Fjaestad. Riksbankens jubileumsfond, Stockholm.
Sandström, U & van den Besselaar, P (2016). Quantity and/or Quality? The Importance of Publishing Many Papers. PlosOne November 21, 2016http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0166149.
Sandström, U & van den Besselaar, P (2017 fc.). Gender differences and similarities in productivity and impact. Submitted to PlosOne.
Sandström, U & Wold AE. (2015). Centres of excellence: reward for gender or top-level research? (Ed.) B Fjaestad. Riksbankens Jubileumsfond.
Sandström, U, Heyman, van den Besselaar, (2014). The Complex Relationship between Competitive Funding and Performance. In Ed Noyons (ed), Context counts: Pathways to master big and little data - STI 2014, Leiden: CWTS. pp 523-533
van Arensbergen, P van der Weijden, van den Besselaar (2014). Different views on scholarly talent – what are the talents we are looking for in science? Research Evaluation 23:273-284.
van den Besselaar, P; Heyman, U & Sandström, U. (2017). Perverse effects of output-based research funding? Butler’s Australian case revisited. Accepted for publication in Journal of Informetrics.
van den Besselaar P, Loet Leydesdorff, Past performance, peer review, and project selection (Research Evaluation 2009): Correction. Research Evaluation 23 (2014) 4, 381
van den Besselaar, P & Sandström U. (2015). Early career grants, performance, and careers: A study on predictive validity of grant decisions. Journal of Informetrics OCT 2015: 826 838.
van den Besselaar, P & Sandström U. (2016). Gender differences in research performance and its impact on careers: a longitudinal case study. Scientometrics JAN 2016: 143 162.
van den Besselaar, P & Sandström, U. (2016). What is the Required Level of Data Cleaning? A Research Evaluation Case. Journal of Scientometric Research 2016;5(1):7-12.
Wang, Q. & Sandström, U. (2015). Defining the role of cognitive distance in the peer review process with an explorative study of a grant scheme in infection biology. Research Evaluation JUL 2015: 271 281.
Heyman, U, Sandström, U., Van den Besselaar, P. (forthcoming). How to study the performance of research systems: some methodological considerations.

Grant administrator
University of Gothenburg
Reference number
SEK 2,566,000
RJ Projects
Social Sciences Interdisciplinary