Searching for Excellence and Funding Effects
Sandstrom, U & U Heyman (2015) What does funding mean for research quality? (Ed.) B Fjaestad. Riksbankens jubileumsfond, Stockholm.
Sandström, U & van den Besselaar, P (2016). Quantity and/or Quality? The Importance of Publishing Many Papers. PlosOne November 21, 2016
Sandström, U & van den Besselaar, P (2017 fc.). Gender differences and similarities in productivity and impact. Submitted to PlosOne.
Sandström, U & Wold AE. (2015). Centres of excellence: reward for gender or top-level research? (Ed.) B Fjaestad. Riksbankens Jubileumsfond.
Sandström, U, Heyman, van den Besselaar, (2014). The Complex Relationship between Competitive Funding and Performance. In Ed Noyons (ed), Context counts: Pathways to master big and little data - STI 2014, Leiden: CWTS. pp 523-533
van Arensbergen, P van der Weijden, van den Besselaar (2014). Different views on scholarly talent – what are the talents we are looking for in science? Research Evaluation 23:273-284.
van den Besselaar, P; Heyman, U & Sandström, U. (2017). Perverse effects of output-based research funding? Butler’s Australian case revisited. Accepted for publication in Journal of Informetrics.
van den Besselaar P, Loet Leydesdorff, Past performance, peer review, and project selection (Research Evaluation 2009): Correction. Research Evaluation 23 (2014) 4, 381
van den Besselaar, P & Sandström U. (2015). Early career grants, performance, and careers: A study on predictive validity of grant decisions. Journal of Informetrics OCT 2015: 826 838.
van den Besselaar, P & Sandström U. (2016). Gender differences in research performance and its impact on careers: a longitudinal case study. Scientometrics JAN 2016: 143 162.
van den Besselaar, P & Sandström, U. (2016). What is the Required Level of Data Cleaning? A Research Evaluation Case. Journal of Scientometric Research 2016;5(1):7-12.
Wang, Q. & Sandström, U. (2015). Defining the role of cognitive distance in the peer review process with an explorative study of a grant scheme in infection biology. Research Evaluation JUL 2015: 271 281.
Heyman, U, Sandström, U., Van den Besselaar, P. (forthcoming). How to study the performance of research systems: some methodological considerations.