Prerequisites for gender equality work in nonprofit organizations. A study of a gender equality project in the Swedish Golf Association 1
Gender equality work in nonprofit organizations. A study of a gender equality project in The Swedish Golf Association
This project is about developing new knowledge on gender equality work in nonprofit organizations and specifically in sport. While there is knowledge on gender equality work in the private and the public sector, there is no such research on the nonprofit sector and the gender equality work going on there. Through a case study of a gender equality project in the Swedish Golf Association, the aim is to describe and understand how gender is integrated in order to develop knowledge on gender equality work and its conditions and practices in nonprofit organizations. The focus is on the relation between context and people's interactions in organizations, and showing the conditions for the equality work conducted. What is seen as the problem with gender inequality? What knowledge regarding analysis of the problem does the change work rest on? Which actors are included and what mandate, responsibilities and powers are practiced? Do understandings of gender equality include intersectional perspective? Are processes of power and resistance actualized in the planning and implementation process? The study contributes to knowledge regarding what content gender equality is filled with, how gender equality work is designed and the consequences for the results and processes, in relation to the organizational conditions in sport.
This project is about developing new knowledge on gender equality work in nonprofit organizations and specifically in sport. While there is knowledge on gender equality work in the private and the public sector, there is no such research on the nonprofit sector and the gender equality work going on there. Through a case study of a gender equality project in the Swedish Golf Association, the aim is to describe and understand how gender is integrated in order to develop knowledge on gender equality work and its conditions and practices in nonprofit organizations. The focus is on the relation between context and people's interactions in organizations, and showing the conditions for the equality work conducted. What is seen as the problem with gender inequality? What knowledge regarding analysis of the problem does the change work rest on? Which actors are included and what mandate, responsibilities and powers are practiced? Do understandings of gender equality include intersectional perspective? Are processes of power and resistance actualized in the planning and implementation process? The study contributes to knowledge regarding what content gender equality is filled with, how gender equality work is designed and the consequences for the results and processes, in relation to the organizational conditions in sport.