Sara Kjellberg

The researchers gallery - to experience research as participatory research communication in the library space

The project "The Researchers Gallery" aims to create substantial opportunities for research communication in the library space. The goal is that the library in collaboration with researchers at Malmö University will make research accessible and visible, expressed as exhibitions at the library. The Malmö University library visitors (students, researchers, staff, students from other universities and residents of Malmo city, etc.) will be given the opportunity to learn more about the on-going research at the university. In an exhibition one meets research in an accessible and appealing way, and it also opens for a dialogue with the community. The project will be implemented in the form of action research, with the support of a researcher. The work is evaluated subsequently and ends with a workshop for further discussion and dissemination of lessons learned.

In this project we create a model for how a library can work with research communication in the library space together with researchers. We wish to employ a curator as project manager, who can coordinate activities and develop the physical location of research communication in the library area. The position is part-time over one year.
Final report

The Researchers Gallery set out to investigate how by hosting exhibitions at the library, Malmö University Library could work with the university’s academic staff to create awareness of the university’s research and increase accessibility and visibility. At the time of application, the university had dedicated an exhibition space named “The Box”. The library had already produced some exhibitions on topical subjects and for which some researchers provided commentary. The Researchers Gallery project provided a clear focus for the exhibits – highlight research and give visitors the opportunity for reflection and discussion. The project explored topics such as the significance of communicating research via library exhibitions. What do we need to create an exhibition at a library? What significance do librarians have on production?

The project had two central approaches: the importance of the physical space on communication and interaction and the notion of library visitors as producers of knowledge. The gallery at the centre of the library strengthens the library’s role as a place to exchange knowledge and opinions of meetings, both symbolic and physical.  The Researchers Gallery was to become a place for new meetings between researchers, students and the public; different forms of expertise at the university and between research results and library space.
One important aspect of testing new methods for communicating research through exhibitions was to explore a new role where librarians act as curators of exhibitions; new tasks linked to the exhibition activities require new roles and skills.

Sara Kjellberg was a researcher connected to monitoring the project and adding research perspeectives, Lotta Wogensen acted as project manager and over a twelve-month period, Annsofie Olsson and Lotti Dorthé were given time to dedicate to the role of librarian-curator. The exhibitions were developed by the curators in collaboration with the library team who work with learning environments. Study trips, shadowing, collective reading and the practical work involved in creating exhibitions all contributed to skills development. The project also included a mentor – or creative advisor – Björn Magnusson Staaf, reader in Museology at Lund University. Magnusson Staaf both inspired and was the catalyst of the project through his contributions from his own research, and brought opinions and ideas linked to the exhibition production during the project period.

Four exhibitions were produced during the project in collaboration with 18 researchers from the five Malmö University faculties.
•    Researchers Gallery #1 Women, Class, Culture – from Maria Sandel to Daria Bogdanska.
•    Researchers Gallery #2 6 on Sex - Sexology and Sexuality studies at Malmö University
•    Researchers Gallery #3 Space & Place – research on social sustainability in Malmö
•    Researchers Gallery #4 Sense or Sensibility? Facts, research and conceptions

The next exhibition is currently being planned together with another group of researchers, and will be on display in autumn 2018. The research communication – i.e., the exhibitions and cooperation between library and researchers – was the project's primary target. There was also a target to create a model for exhibition production that can be used once the project is over and that can be shared with other higher education institutions. In spring 2018, a workshop was held with librarians and communications staff from 20 other higher education institutions and “Producing an exhibition – a 5-step model from Malmö University Library” was tested and discussed. Thanks to this project, the model is now a component in the organisation for strategic and long-term work using exhibitions to communicate research at Malmö University Library.

As the project methods were inspired by action research and a high level of reflection from a person monitoring for the project to  be research-based, participants had time for reading, discussion and evaluation. This provided the process with a depth and understanding not previously found with previous exhibitions at the library. Allowing the work with the exhibitions take time was a challenge, as was trusting others and the process and not becoming tied down to ideas. By testing, formulating questions, describing procedures and reflecting upon them, new experiences and knowledge could be created. And so, for each exhibition, activities evolved.

There was an inherent tension with using this model as a target, as at the same time, the methods used to explore the work were to be free. A model that contained too many stages was felt to be governing and binding, hence the model was later simplified. It is to be used as support and guidance that can be followed freely. Creating a model for producing exhibitions has highlighted the different stages and contributed to an understanding that all aspects must be named and allocated time. Some aspects are vital to achieving success; it is absolutely worth highlighting the importance of contact with the participating researchers. The contact varied, but always included a meeting in the form of one or more interviews and workshops on occasions. The model has made the work clear and the researchers participating can see both how the work is set up and where they are in the process.

Communicating research through exhibitions in libraries made a breakthrough. The four exhibitions all reached out to library visitors in different ways and created interaction with the research exhibited. Exhibitions of this type of coproduction and cooperation are in demand and are seen as an interesting extra for researchers and the university in the repertoire about other methods to communicate the university’s research. The project investigated what is necessary for creating an exhibition at a library, with focus on the role of the librarian and resulted in the creation of the model that others can now modify and use. Malmö University will continue to explore the role of librarian-curator and using the library as an arena for communicating research together with researchers and other members of Malmö University as well as other higher education institutions. Once the project now is complete, activities in the Researchers Gallery will continue as part of Malmö University Library’s regular organisation.

Grant administrator
Malmö University
Reference number
SEK 400,000
Communication Projects
Information Studies