A cosmopolitan language: Hindustani in Surat - 300 years ago
Our project aims to produce a documentary film on the blossoming of a cosmopolitan language in one of the most vibrant cities in pre-colonial Asia around 1700 and its codification. We will illustrate how two pathbreaking linguistic endeavours emerged in Surat, namely the grammars and dictionaries of Hindustani authored by J.J. Ketelaar, officer of the Dutch East India Company, and Fr. François-Marie de Tours, a Capuchin missionary.
Born as a contact language, Hindustani was an Indo-Aryan language primarily based on the Khariboli dialect of Delhi but borrowing freely from many other languages, mainly Persian, Sanskrit and Arabic. In colonial times Hindustani split into Hindi and Urdu, spoken in India, Pakistan and the worldwide Southasian diaspora, and often being associated with Hindu and Muslim identity politics.
The works by Ketelaar and François-Marie de Tours remained obscure to this day. Now, our team of researchers is working at producing digital editions and at analysing the two grammars and accompanying dictionaries (written in 4 European languages), so as to reconstruct the language before its bifurcation, as it was spoken around 1700 and to fathom the cultural identity of the speakers.
The documentary will be filmed in Uppsala, Pistoia (Tuscany), Paris, Utrecht, Surat and Delhi, showing unique manuscripts, presented by scholars, as well as the cities where they were produced, studied and conserved.
Final report
The film project in its original English version is - as viewing copy - for the time being available under:
A hindi version is in the making and will be available within some weeks. It is planned
to offer the film to documentary film festivals and selected TV channels.
The production of the film was much effected by the corona crisis. The first
shootings (in Uppsala) were made in autumn 2019, continued by shootings in
Rome and Pistoia in December 2019, and in Surat (with Ruby Malony) in January 2020.
After this, the corona crisis stopped our plans. The planned second shooting in India had to be cancelled as well as in Paris/Tour. The Amsterdam/Den Haag shooting could be realized only in March/Arpil 2021. As for the rest, we had to produce a renewed spript under the conditions and with the material we had.
A hindi version is in the making and will be available within some weeks. It is planned
to offer the film to documentary film festivals and selected TV channels.
The production of the film was much effected by the corona crisis. The first
shootings (in Uppsala) were made in autumn 2019, continued by shootings in
Rome and Pistoia in December 2019, and in Surat (with Ruby Malony) in January 2020.
After this, the corona crisis stopped our plans. The planned second shooting in India had to be cancelled as well as in Paris/Tour. The Amsterdam/Den Haag shooting could be realized only in March/Arpil 2021. As for the rest, we had to produce a renewed spript under the conditions and with the material we had.