Jonas Svensson

Guest researcher stay with focus on Islamic studies at the Swedish Institute in Istanbul

The guest researcher stay at the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul 2021 will attend to the following three projects: 1. "Islam and honor culture" is a project financed by Linnaeus University Centre Concurrences in Colonial and Post-Colonial Studies. It runs for two years 2020-2021, and involves a computer aided analysis of the Swedish public discourse on the relationship between islam and honor culture. 2. "Wahhabism in Sweden- networks, practices, mission" is a project that runs between 2018 och 2021 where four researchers collaborate in an analysis of Wahhabi propaganda in Sweden. It is financed by the Swedish government agency Myndigheten för Samhällsskydd och Beredskap (MSB). 3. "Minding Islamic Studies" is a monograph project that aims at introducing the cognitive science of religion into the field of Islamic studies. The project rests upon the researcher s work on the topic during the last six years. The aim of the research stay is to focus on these three projects during the applied for period of six months, with exception for tasks that the Institute may ask the researcher to perform.
Final report
During the total of six months spent in Istanbul, the funded research amounting to 30% of full-time employment was devoted to producing a draft manuscript of the book "Essential Islam". Parts of the work was presented at one lecture and one seminar at the institute.

In addition to my own research and administration, I have during my stay in Istanbul participated in both academic and social activities organized by the institute, as well as established contact with local academics.
Grant administrator
Linneaeus University, Växjö
Reference number
SEK 229,298
Guest researcher stays at the Mediterranenan Inst
Religious Studies