The programme

Long-Term Provision of Knowledge is jointly financed by the Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ), the Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning (Formas), the Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare (Forte) and the Swedish Research Council (VR). The programme − which is managed by RJ − is organized as follows:

Steering group

The programme is steered by a special group in which all financiers are represented:

  • Marika Hedin, RJ (Robert Hamrén, deputy)
  • Lissa Nordin, Formas (Erik Roos)
  • Stefan Svallfors, VR (Anders Sundin)
  • Andreas Björke, Forte (Inger Jonsson)

International reference group

To ensure scientific quality and relevance, an international reference group has been attached to the programme:

  • John Peter Collett, University of Oslo
  • Thomas Estermann, European University Association, Brussels
  • Hanne Foss Hansen, University of Copenhagen
  • Ellen Hazelkorn, Dublin Institute of Technology


To facilitate programme cohesion, Fredrik Persson-Lahusen functions as a research coordinator.