Application and budget


Applications are submitted through RJ’s application system. Familiarise yourself with the application form while reading the instructions below.

The application must include the following parts:


The title is to be written in Swedish and English. In addition to the project title, the host organisation for the project is also specified here.


Write the summary in Swedish and English with at most 1,500 characters, including spaces. The summary is to explain the relevance of the research, its purpose, its implementation and its collaborative potential. The summary must be formulated in such a way as to be intelligible to an interested layperson. If the application is approved, the summary will be posted immediately on RJ’s website.

Grant administrator

Specify the participating HEI.

Project description

The project description can be written in Swedish or English and is to be formulated jointly by the researcher and the host organisation. It may contain up to 25,000 characters including spaces and is to present:

  • The host organisation’s knowledge needs
  • The research question
  • The purpose
  • The theory and method
  • The project plan and explanation of the project period
  • Relevant state of the research
  • Research contributions
  • The contribution to the host organisation
  • Expected knowledge to be generated through the collaboration
  • The plan for how information about the project and the research results will be communicated, both within the academic community and in society at large Learn more about RJ’s guidelines for open access to scientific production.
  • The applicant’s relevant skills and qualifications
  • The applicant’s current employment


  • Specify resource needs (salary, HEI’s LKP and operating costs).
  • Specify costs for disseminating results, including those for open access and production support.
  • Do not list any indirect costs or university-wide fees (e.g., IT, premises and administration) in the application.
  • RJ adds an additional amount to each grant for indirect costs and costs of premises based on RJ’s own model for determining such costs. A grant of SEK 10,000/year is also added for travel and accommodations in connection with network meetings and similar.

Budget specification

Write the budget specification in Swedish or English. Specify how work time is divided between the host organisation and the HEI. Specify and explain all budgeted costs. Unspecified or unexplained costs will not be approved.

Submitting the application

The application must be approved by both the host organisation and the HEI. It is to be signed by the project leader and head of department or equivalent and a representative for the host organisation.

By signing the application, the host organisation and the HEI commit to fulfilling the terms and conditions that apply for RJ Flexit. The pages with the budget and signatures are to be scanned and sent by email to the responsible research officer (see Contact persons) no later than one week after the deadline. RJ will process only signed applications.

Data management plan

If RJ awards a grant to your project and if your project generates, collects or uses digital data, you should draw up a data management plan at the start of the project. This plan is not submitted to RJ, but we may ask questions about it at the project’s mid-term follow-up.

Through their signatures, the project leader and head of department take responsibility for ensuring that a data management plan is in place at the start of the project, if needed, and that it is updated as needed throughout the course of the project. Read more about data management plans or contact your HEI for more information. All Swedish HEIs have resources to support researchers in managing digital data.