Beate Sydhoff

Decontamination of the "19th century library" within the Royal Academy of Fine Arts

This project implies a complete decontamination and cleaning of the so called 19th century library of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, which consists of about 8,200 books. This library includes the subject fields of Art History, Monographs on artists, Art techniques, Literature on architecture and Architectural history etc. The contents of the library reflects the instruction in art and art techniques as well as in architecture at the Academy during the 19th century. This collection of books is not available for research today, since the books cannot be removed out of the basement where they are kept until a total decontamination has taken place. As soon as this has been done the books will also be restored and repaired, and they will be moved upstairs to a room within the library space of the Academy on the first floor which has been designated for the purpose.
Final report

Digital scientific report in English is missing. Please contact for information.

Grant administrator
The Royal Academy of Fine Arts
Reference number
SEK 400,000
RJ Infrastructure for research