Anders Bäckström

Welfare and Religion in a European Perspective: The Role of the Churches as Welfare Providers within the Social Economy

Europe is undergoing economic, social and value related changes, which have a direct influence on the organisation of social welfare provision. In post-industrial society religion functions both as a welfare provider, a distinct voice in the debate and a provider of moral values. This project aims to analyse the function of mainstream churches as welfare providers in a European perspective. The study will focus on countries with differing social welfare models and ecclesiastical traditions: Sweden/Finland/Norway (social democratic/Lutheran), England (liberal/Anglican), Germany (corporate/mixed religiously), France/Italy (corporate/Catholic) and Greece (corporate/Orthodox). Particular attention will be paid to the dominance of women in religious and social voluntary activity. Case studies will be carried out in each country. The project builds on the earlier research-programme "The state and the individual: Swedish society undergoing change". After European comparisons have been made the findings will be re-considered with reference to Sweden. The project will contribute new knowledge concerning the links between different kinds of local providers (bearing in mind different welfare contexts, different theological traditions and different understandings of gender); it also suggests new models for the role of the churches in the organisation of social welfare.
Grant administrator
Diakonistiftelsen Samariterhemmet
Reference number
SEK 2,700,000
Humanities and Social Sciences Donation
Other Social Sciences