Lars Nord

Power play and media policy

This project focuses on the interplay between media policy and media development in Sweden. The standpoints of the political parties in central media policy decisions during the period 1970-2000 are analysed and discussed. The objective is to analyse the conditions of media policy in a time where there have been substantial changes in different media markets, and to discuss factors influencing media policy; such as ideology, party strategies and media development. The main research questions are: Which political actors have influenced decision-making in the field of media policy? How can recent media policy decisions be explained? Has the media development process affected party strategies regarding media policy?
Four important media policy decisions in Sweden are analysed in the study: the implementation of press subsidies in 1971, the introduction of local public service radio in 1977, the deregulation of terrestrial television 1991 and finally, the deregulation of local radio in 1993. A comparison of these media policy decisions is conducted, and the factors influencing the decisions are discussed. The political belief in regulation or deregulation of the media market is highlighted and the strategies for Social Democratic, Liberal or Conservative governments are compared.
Grant administrator
Mid Sweden University Campus Sundsvall
Reference number
SEK 1,010,000
RJ Projects
Computer and Information Science