Christian Berggren

Knowledge Integration and Innovation in the Globalising Economy

The globalising economy exposes the Swedish economy to a fundamental tension. New markets and knowledge centres are competing for investment and attention. Activities, from manufacturing to software programming, are being decoupled and relocated to offshore locations, resulting in an increasing level of disintegration and dispersal of industrial activities. The dominance of large, international firms in Sweden makes its economy particularly vulnerable to these disintegrating trends. At the same time, there is a strong need for interactive and integrated development. Firms need capabilities to allow them to rapidly integrate different types of knowledge, and to enable cross-disciplinary, and cross-organisation interaction. More than ever, the importance of knowledge and innovation for national competitiveness and growth is being emphasised by Swedish policy makers. However, the basis for knowledge development and innovation in companies is changing under the influence of three major trends: (1) the globalisation of R&D, markets, and manufacturing; (2) the transformation of markets; and, (3) changes in the character of scientific and technical development. Together, these three trends are resulting in increasing levels of differentiation, and separation of activities in the industrial value chains. Indeed, knowledge generation and utilisation is becoming more and more interdisciplinary (e.g. product and knowledge complexity), international (e.g. market, technology sourcing, production), inter-organisational (e.g. co-operative R&D, alliances/mergers, co-ordination between specialised companies and across segments within transnationals), and innovative (e.g. rapid technical change).

The point of departure for the programme is the challenge of disintegrating trends and integrating necessities in the globalising economy. By linking research activities to industry-academia collaboration and knowledge exchange, the programme aspires to develop into an internationally highly reputed research node; one that will hopefully attract top-notch researchers as guest professors and research fellows, who will actively participate in projects and publishing activities in the programme.

In cooperation with leading industries and European research institutions, the programme will pursue research, and research dissemination, in three areas:

1. Knowledge integration, and project organisation competencies. This research theme focuses on issues such as: the management of distributed knowledge teams across organisational boundaries; the role of innovating individuals in highly structured "R&D factories"; communication and concerted action in global projects; and, project control and portfolio balancing.

2. Outsourcing versus co-location and integration. Research issues within this theme include: What functions and capabilities need to be collocated and interact closely; what functions could be separated, outsourced, or otherwise disintegrated, without damaging innovation and industrialisation capabilities; and, what factors determine the dynamics of integration contra disintegration over time. Which are the key differences between different sectors in this respect: why, for example, are the conditions for separation contra integration so different in firms competing in technology and advanced product development, compared to the irrelevance of distance in the fashion industry, with its total separation of design and manufacture?

3. Innovation and the organisation of external knowledge acquisition.

What are the prerequisites for a successful combination of internal and external knowledge development in rapidly changing industries? What capabilities are necessary for managing diverse knowledge bases in strategic partnerships, and for orchestrating knowledge creation in international development partnerships?

Final report


1. The purpose of the KITE program

As discussed in the KITE program proposal, major trends in the global economy cause increasing levels of differentiation and separation of activities in industrial value chains. This general trend towards increased specialization raises a need for efficient ways of integrating activities and knowledge. As stated in the proposal, "The point of departure for the program is the challenge of disintegrating trends and integrating necessities in the globalizing economy". Mirroring the fact that knowledge integration problems would play out differently in different contexts, we let our research efforts focus on the following three areas and key research questions:
(i) Knowledge integration and project organization competences. Key Q: What project competencies are needed in project-based development of high-technology and complex products? (ii) Outsourcing versus co-location and integration. Key Q: What functions and capabilities need to be co-located and interact closely and which could be separated, outsourced or other-ways disintegrated? (iii) Innovation and the organization of external knowledge acquisition. Key Q: What are the prerequisites for successful combination of internal and external knowledge development in rapidly changing industries? The general thrust of the program and the key research questions posed initially remain as a well-descriptive account of the program efforts.

2. The results of the KITE program

Generally, we think of the publication of our first book "Knowledge integration and innovation" (Oxford University Press, 2011) as a major program result. This book provided a platform for integration of our individual work early on in the program, as well as a stepping stone for directing and developing our further work. It also proved to be an excellent basis for promoting the academic impact of the KITE program in the course of the Workshops and Doctoral courses we organized as well as in conferences, where we acted as Track Organizers, Special Issue Editors, etc. Second, our engagement in the KITE workshops and doctoral courses has contributed much to building a national and international reputation for the KITE program and its members as being among the leading in the field of knowledge integration. A third major achievement is the great number of publications generated, which have developed the concept of knowledge integration and demonstrated its analytical value in a wide variety of settings. As can be seen in the list enclosed, over 100 journal articles and over 50 book chapter publications are included. Ten books and three Special Issues of journals have also been published by KITE members.

3. New research questions

Actually, many new research questions have emerged during the program period and led to new applications for funding. These have added more than MSEK 50 million in additional external research funding to KITE members, providing evidence also of the leverage made possible by the program funding from RJ. In addition there are a few evolving ideas targeting less penetrated terrains, as exemplified by an interest to engage in studies of the relation between the use environmental policy instruments and innovative activity.
More importantly, however, the development of yet another book, "Managing Knowledge Integration Across Boundaries" (Oxford University Press book, scheduled to appear in 2016) has been a major issue during the last years. This book reports on results achieved so far, but outlines also a wide variety of new challenges and for future research. It is edited by KITE program directors Fredrik Tell and Christian Berggren in collaboration with KITE International Advisory Board members Stefano Brusoni and Andrew Van de Ven, containing chapter contributions both from KITE members and quite a few other internationally well-known scholars.

4. International Connections

Early on an International Advisory Board for the KITE program was set up including a number of world-wide leading researchers which had a long experience in leading large research groups. This Board included professors from University of Brighton, Linköping University, Copenhagen Business School, Warwick Business School, and University of Minnesota. At about program mid-term some new members from ETH Zurich, University of Brighton and Freie Universität Berlin, were added. The board has convened on a bi-annual basis, and meetings have also included workshops with all KITE members discussing their research and improving manuscripts for publication.
Throughout the program period, the KITE members have attended repeatedly to a variety of conferences, both general management conferences as well as more specialized ones. This activity has implied regular paper submissions, leadership for knowledge-integration related tracks and Special Issues. In addition, the KITE group organized the Advanced Workshop on Knowledge Integration and Innovation in Linköping 2008, 2010 and 2012. In conjunction with the 2012 workshop, KITE offered a European PhD course on Knowledge Integration. In 2011, KITE researchers were part of the core group arranging The R&D Management Conference in Norrköping. In addition, the KITE group has invited international visiting researchers both on the PhD student level and on the faculty level. Professor Michael Hobday, University of Brighton and Professor Stefano Brusoni, ETH Zürich, both spent three years as visiting professors at Linköping University and KITE. Over the program duration, KITE also arranged ten KITE Open Lectures at Linköping University with leading scholars.
Now, at the end of the program period, the set of network connections has grown considerably. KITE members with academic collaborators convened a track on knowledge integration at the EGOS conference in 2009, 2015 and 2016. The IRNOP conference in Oslo 2013 was executed with KITE member Jonas Söderlund at the helm. KITE members have also organized panels and professional development workshops at leading annual conferences of the Strategic Management Society and the Academy of Management. KITE members are now part of the following editorial boards: Industrial and Corporate Change, International Journal of Project Management, International Journal of Product Development, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, Project Management Journal and Research Policy.

5. Information activities outside Academia

Much of our research has been carried in close connection to specific firms. In such cases, information activities related to the practitioners involved have been a frequent and natural feature. Executive education, including both general and firms-specific programs (such as the ones for Telia Sonera and Scania) has been another way of disseminating results. In addition some have participated in seminars arranged by VINNOVA on Re-industrialization 2014 and New-industrialization 2015. KITE members have also organized workshops with practitioners on Industrial Platforms, Open Innovation, Human Resource Management and Engineering consultancy. A more unusual information event was the Webinar held in 2015 for the Project Management Institute. Based on their book (Bredin and Enberg, 2015), the two KITE members acted as presenters and participants in the on-line discussion. Finally, in the years to come, we believe that the final report "Kunskapsintegration och innovation I en internationaliserande ekonomi" Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (Andersson and Berggren, 2015) will provide an excellent means for future information initiatives outside academia.

6. Most important publications

Bergek, Berggren, Magnusson and Hobday (Research Policy, 2013), Technological discontinuities and the challenge for incumbent firms: Destruction, disruption or creative accumulation. The creative destruction of existing industries as a consequence of discontinuous technological change is a central theme in the literature. Established theories argue that incumbents display huge difficulties when attacked by new entrants exploiting such technologies. This paper challenges these arguments. In particular, the paper shows the limits of Clayton Christensen´s widely diffused theories on disruptive innovation. Based on an analysis of the automotive and gas turbine industry, the authors demonstrate how current explanations exaggerate the capacity of new entrants and underestimate the capacity of incumbents to absorb new technologies and integrate them with existing capabilities. The authors develop the notion of 'creative accumulation' as a way of conceptualizing the innovation capability of incumbents and suggest how such firms have to attend simultaneously to the triple challenge of (i) fine-tuning and evolving existing technologies, (ii)acquiring and developing new technologies and (iii) integrating novel and existing knowledge.
Onufrey and Bergek (Industry and Innovation, 2015), Self-reinforcing mechanisms in a multi-technology industry: Understanding sustained technological variety in a context of path dependency. This article focuses on self-reinforcing mechanisms in multi-technology industries, i.e. industries in which technological lock-in does not occur and several technologies continue to coexist. In their analysis of the lighting industry the authors show how all previously recognized self-reinforcing mechanisms can be present also in a multi-technology industry. Furthermore, and more importantly, they contribute to the literature by demonstrating the vital role also of positive cross-technology externalities. In contrast to the emphasis on negative external effects in previous literature, the authors thus recognize and explore the possibilities of symbiotic relations between coexisting technologies.
Bengtsson, Dabhilkar and von Haartman (in Berggren et al, 2011), Knowledge integration challenges when outsourcing manufacturing. This book chapter focuses on the tension between demands to outsource manufacturing to low cost regions and the need to co-locate key functions and competences in product development. Based on an analysis of the extant literature, they conclude that the neglect to take the issue of knowledge integration into account is one main explanation for the inconclusiveness of results arrived at so far. In particular, they find that most studies of outsourcing have inadequately covered the vital role of internal manufacturing capability in achieving an efficient integration of external capabilities. As a remedy, they develop the notion of 'manufacturing absorptive capability' and discuss its vital role as a prerequisite for attaining knowledge integration.
Lakemond, Bengtsson, Laursen and Tell (Industrial and Corporate Change, 2016), Match & Manage: The use of knowledge matching and project management to integrate knowledge in collaborative inbound open innovation. Despite mounting evidence on the potential benefits of inbound open innovation, little is known about how firms purposefully manage inflows of knowledge. This article investigates the use of two knowledge governance procedures -- project management and knowledge matching -- in collaborative inbound open innovation. The findings based on an international survey comprising 415 Italian, Finnish and Swedish firms shows how a firm's choice of knowledge governance in collaborative open innovation matters for innovation performance.
Enberg, Lindkvist and Tell (International Journal of Project Management, 2010), Knowledge integration at the edge of technology: On teamwork and complexity in new turbine development. This paper explores the issue of team-based knowledge integration in projects characterized by high levels of uncertainty and complexity. In the literature, integration mechanisms involving close interaction and the development of a strongly 'integrated' team are put forward as fitting mechanisms in such a context. In the study, a Teamwork Quality Construct (TWQ) comprising six different dimensions was used to investigate to what extent and in what respects the team was integrated or less so. As the analysis revealed, the TWQ scores indicated that the team not a very integrated one, and in accounting for these findings, the authors introduced the notion of a 'segregated team' and discussed its potential efficiency properties.
Bredin and Söderlund (International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2011), The HR quadriad: A framework for the analysis of HRM in project-based organizations. The paper focuses on the changing structure of roles and responsibilities in project-based firms. The authors here develop the HR quadriad as an analytical tool for investigating the shifting roles of line managers, project managers, project workers and HR specialists. Based on a multiple-case study they trace the pattern of change in six engineering-intensive and project-based firms. In particular, the authors show how different HRM-related activities and responsibilities tend to be reallocated within different types of project-based firms.

7. Publication policy

As the KITE program was initiated we soon decided to follow a somewhat sequential publication policy. As mentioned by one member of our Advisory Board, most of his best publications had to be rewritten 30-40 times. Hence approaching the leading journals too early can easily result in many rounds of review, and finally a reject. Considering the fact that our start-up work involved a heavy engagement in empirical work, our main focus initially was to publish in the most well-known European journals that addressed our sub-themes. Moreover, we then stressed the importance of 'coming back', with several articles in the same journals, in order for people to remember our work and start referring to it. This publication and impact generating policy thus also implied that we focused on a quite limited set of journals in the first phase.
In addition, we soon decided to engage in the communal effort of writing a book on knowledge integration, as a way of seeing to it that the multitude of empirical and theoretical work conducted by the program members should be well integrated and subordinated to the general thrust of the KITE program. In the phases following the mid-term review of the program in 2010, we continued our efforts to publish in journals related to our sub-themes, but engaged increasingly in trying to publish in leading European Journals with a stronger focus on more general theoretical debates. Resonating with our focus on knowledge integration and innovation processes in large technology-based firms, this has meant that journals such as Research Policy and Industrial and Corporate Change has been increasingly targeted. So far, quite a few articles had been accepted in this kind of journals, and others are underway.


KITE Publications, 2007-2016
Peer-reviewed scientific journals
92. Andersen. E. S., J. Söderlund & A. Vaagaasar (2010) Projects and politics: exploring the duality between action and politics in complex projects, International Journal of Management and Decision Making, 11(2): 121-139.
91. Andersson, D. A. & F. Tell (2016), Patent agents and the emerging market for patenting services in Sweden, 1885-1914, Enterprises et Histoire, accepted and forthcoming.
90. Andersson, H and Johansson, M. (2010) Exploring and Exploiting Inventors at Westco: A Case of Ambidexterity in R&D, International Journal of Project Organisation and Management, 2(3), 254-266.
89. Andersson, H. and Berggren, C. (2007), Individual Inventors in the R&D Factory, Creativity and Innovation Management, 16(4): 437–446.
88. Bengtsson, L, Lakemond, N. & Dabhilkar, M. (2013), Exploiting supplier innovativeness through knowledge integration, International Journal of Technology Technology Management, 61(3/4): 237-253.
87. Bengtsson, L. (2008). Outsourcing manufacturing and its effect on engineering firm performance. International Journal of Technology Management, 44, 3/4, 373-390.
86. Bengtsson, L. & Berggren, C. (2008), The integrator’s new advantage - reassessing outsourcing and production competence in a global telecom firm, European Management Journal, 26: 314–324.
85. Bengtsson, L. & Dabhilkar, M. (2009). Manufacturing outsourcing and its effect on plant performance: Lessons for KIBS outsourcing. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 19, 2, 231-257.
84. Bengtsson, L. and Wang, W. Cost innovation in global supply chains. The case of Huawei Technologies, International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 23(2): 189-208. 

83. Bengtsson, L., Lakemond, N., Lazzarini, V., Manzini, R., Pellegrini, L. & F. Tell (2015), Open to a Select Few? Matching Partners and Knowledge Content for Open Innovation Performance, Creativity and Innovation Management, 24(1): 72-86.
82. Bengtsson, L., Niss, C. & von Haartman, R. (2010), Combining Master and Apprentice Roles: Potential for Learning in Distributed Manufacturing Networks,  Creativity and Innovation Management, 19(4): 417-427.
81. Bengtsson, L., von Haartman, R. & Dabhilkar, M. (2009). Low-cost vs. innovation: Contrasting outsourcing and integration strategies in manufacturing. Creativity and Innovation Management, 18(1): 35-47.
80. Bergek, A, Tell, F., Berggren, C. & Watson, J. (2008), Technological capabilities and late shakeouts: Industrial dynamics in the advanced gas turbine industry, 1986-2002, Industrial and Corporate Change, 17(2): 335-392.
79. Bergek, A. & Berggren, C. (2014) The impact of environmental policy instrumensts on innovation: A review of energy and automotive industry studies, Ecological Economics, 106: 112-123.
78. Bergek, A. & Bruzelius, M. (2010), Are patents with multiple inventors from different countries a good indicator of international R&D collaboration? The case of ABB. Research Policy, 39(10): 1321–1334.
77. Bergek, A. & Onufrey, K. (2013), Is one path enough? Multiple paths and path interaction as an extension of path dependency theory, Industrial and Corporate Change, 23(5): 1261-1297.
76. Bergek, A., Berggren, C. & Tell, F. (2009). Do technology strategies matter? A comparison of two electrical engineering corporations, 1988-1998, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 21(4): 445-470.
75. Bergek, A., Berggren, C., Magnusson, T. & Hobday, M., (2013) Technological discontinuities and the challenge for incumbent firms: destruction, disruption or creative accumulation? Research Policy,  42: 1210-1224.
74. Berggren, C. & J. Söderlund (2008). Rethinking project management
education: social twists and knowledge co-production, International Journal of Project Management, 26(3): 286-296.
73. Berggren, C. & Magnusson, T. (2012), Reducing automotive emissions – The potentials of combustion engine technologies and the power of policy, Energy Policy, 41: 636 –643.
72. Berggren, C. & Söderlund, J. (2011), Management Education for Practicing Managers: Combining Academic Rigour with Personal Change and Organizational Action, Journal of Management Education, 35(3): 377-405.
71. Berggren, C., J. Järkvik & J. Söderlund (2008). Lagomizing, organic integration, and systems emergency wards: Innovative practices in managing complex systems development projects, Project Management Journal, 39(2): 111-122.
70. Berggren, C., Magnusson, T. & Sushandoyo, D. (2010), Greening public transportation: a radical design and power-train project at an incrementalist innovator,  International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management. 10(1): 93-114.

69. Berggren, C., Magnusson, T. & Sushandoyo, D. (2015) Transition pathways revisited: Established firms as multi-level actors in the heavy vehicle industry, Research Policy, 44(5): 1017–1028.
68. Borg, E., & Söderlund, J. (2014), Moving in, moving on: Liminality practices in project-based work, Employee Relations, 36(2):182-197.
67. Borg. E., & Söderlund, J. (2014), Liminality competence: An interpretative study of mobile project workers´conception of liminiality at work, Management Learning,  46 (3): 260-279.
66. Brady, T. & J. Söderlund (2008), Innovation in Projects, Projects in Innovation, International Journal of Project Management, 26(5): 465-468.
65. Bredin, K. (2008), People capability in project-based organisations: A conceptual framework, International Journal of Project Management, 26(5): 566-576.
64. Bredin, K. (2010), Improving people capability of project-based organisations: a study of the change of HRM in two engineering-intensive firms, International Journal of Project Organisation and Management, 2(4): 328-360.
63. Bredin, K. & J. Söderlund (2010), Fit for purpose: HR organization and HR departments in project-based organizations, International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 10(4): 327-361. 
62. Bredin, K. & J. Söderlund (2011), The HR Quadriad Framework: Analyzing HRM in Project-based Firms, International Journal of Human Resource Management. 22(10): 2202-2221.
61. Bredin, K. & Söderlund, J. (2013), Project managers and career models: An exploratory comparative study, International Journal of Project Management, 31(6): 889-902.

60. Bredin, K. and Söderlund, J. (2007), Reconceptualising HRM in project-based organisations: from supervision to agency, Personnel Review, 36(5): 815-833.
59. Canonico, P. & J. Söderlund (2010), Getting control of Multi-Project Organizations: Combining contingent control mechanisms, International Journal of Project Management, 28(8): 807-817.
58. Dabhilkar, M. (2011), Trade-offs in make-buy decisions, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 17(3): 158-166.
57. Dabhilkar, M. & Bengtsson, L. (2007), Continuous improvement capability in the Swedish engineering industry, International Journal of Technology Management, 37(3/4): 272-289.
56. Dabhilkar, M. & Bengtsson, L. (2008), Invest or divest? On the relative improvement potential in outsourcing manufacturing, Production Planning and Control, 19(3): 212-228.
55. Dabhilkar, M. and Bengtsson, L. (2007), Continuous improvement capability in the Swedish engineering industry, International Journal of Technology Management, 37(3/4): 272-289.
54. Dabhilkar, M., Bengtsson, L. & Bessant, J. (2007), Convergence or national specificity? Testing the CI maturity model across multiple countries, Creativity and Innovation Management, 16(4): 348–362.
53. Dabhilkar, M., Bengtsson, L., von Haartman, R. & Åhlström, P. (2009), Supplier selection or collaboration? Determining factors of performance improvement when outsourcing manufacturing, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 15(3): 143-153.
52. Dahlgren, J. & J. Söderlund (2010), Modes and mechanisms of control in multi-project organizations: the R&D case, International Journal of Technology Management, 50(1): 1-22.
51. Dille, T. & Söderlund, J. (2013), Managing temporal misfits in institutional environments. A study of critical incidents in a complex public project, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 6(3): 552-575.
50. Enberg, C. (2012), Enabling knowledge integration in cooperative R&D projects - The management of conflicting logics, International Journal of Project Management, 30: 771-780.

49. Enberg, C., Lindkvist, L. & Tell, F. (2010), Knowledge integration at the edge of technology – On teamwork and complexity in new Turbine development, International Journal of Project Management, 28(8): 756-765.
48. Eslami, M. & Lakemond, N. (2016), Internal Integration in complex collaborative product development projects, International Journal of Innovation Management, accepted for and forthcoming. 

47. Haartman, R. von & Bengtsson, L. (2009), Manufacturing competence – the key to successful supplier integration, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 16(3): 283-299.
46. Hernes, T., Simpson, B. & Söderlund, J. (2013), Managing and temporailty, Scandinavian Journal of Management, Vol.29, No.1:1-6.

45. Karabag, S. F. Tuncay-Celikel, A. & Berggren, C. (2011), The limits of R&D internationalization and the importance of local initiatives: Turkey as a critical case. World Development, 39(8): 1347-1357.
44. Karabag, S. F. & Berggren, C. (2011), Mobile communications in Turkey: from first mover advantages to management capabilities. Info. 13(2): 72-84.
43. Karabag, S.F. & Berggren, C. (2014) Antecedents of Firm Performance in Emerging Economies: Business Groups, Strategy, Industry Structure, and State Support, Journal of Business Research, 67(10): 2212-2223.
42. Lakemond N., Säfsten K., Johansson G. & Magnusson T. (2012), From Product Development to Production – On the Complexity of Geographical and Organizational Dispersion, Journal of Applied Economics and Business Research, 2(3): 125-137. 

41. Lakemond N., Säfsten K., Johansson G. & Magnusson T. (2012), From Product Development to Production – On the Complexity of Geographical and Organizational Dispersion, Journal of Applied Economics and Business Research, 2(3): 125-137.
40. Lakemond, N. & Detterfelt, J. (2013), Counterbalancing exploitative knowledge search during environmental dynamism – Reinforcing new ideas for existing products, Creativity and Innovation Management, 22(4): 420-434.
39. Lakemond, N., Bengtsson, L., Laursen, K. & F. Tell (2016), Match & Manage: The use of knowledge matching and project management to integrate knowledge in collaborative inbound open innovation, Industrial and Corporate Change, 25(2), accepted and forthcoming.
38. Lakemond, N., Johansson, G., Magnusson, T. & Säfsten, K. (2007), Interfaces between technology development, product development and production: critical factors and a conceptual model, International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning, 3(4): 317-336.
37. Lakemond, N., Lovén, E. & Detterfelt, J. (2010), Understanding Creativity Motors and Obstacles in Product Development, International Journal of Product Development, 11(3/4): 272 – 288.
36. Lakemond, N., Magnusson, T. Johansson, G. & Säfsten, K (2013), Assessing interface challanges in product development projects, Research Technology Management, 56(1): 40-48.

35. Lindkvist, L (2008), Project organization: Exploring its adaptation properties, International Journal of Project Management, 26: 13-20.
34. Lopez-Vega, H., F. Tell & W. Vanhaverbeke (2016), Where and how to search? Search paths in open innovation, Research Policy, 45(1): 125-136.
33. Magnusson, T. & Berggren, C. (2011), Entering an era of ferment – radical vs. incrementalist strategies in automotive power train development, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 23(3): 313-330.
32. Magnusson, T. & Johansson, G. (2008), Managing internal technology transfer in complex product development, European Journal of Innovation Management, 11(3): 349-365.
31. Magnusson, T. & Lakemond, N. (2015), Evolving schemes of interpretation: investigating the dual role of architectures in new product development, R&D Management, accepted and forthcoming
30. Melander, L. & Lakemond, N. (2014), Variation of purchasing’s involvement: case studies of supplier collaborations in new product development, Journal of Procurement Management, 7(1): 103-118.

29. Melander, L., Lakemond, N. (2015) Governance of supplier collaboration in technologically uncertain NPD projects, Industrial Marketing Management, 49: 116–127. 

28. Melander, L., Rosell, D. & Lakemond, N. (2014), In pursuit of control: involving suppliers of critical technologies in new product development, Supply Chain Management: An international journal, 19(5/6): 722-732.
27. Melander. L. & Tell, F. (2014), Uncertainty in colloborative NPD: effects on the selection of technology and supplier, Journal of Engineering Technology and Management, 31(1): 103-119.
26. Nilsson, M. Hillman, K. & Magnusson, T. (2012), How do we govern sustainable innovations? Mapping patterns of governance for biofuels and hybrid-electric vehicle technologies, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 3: 50-66.
25. Olausson, D. & Berggren, C. (2010), Managing uncertain, complex product development in high-tech firms: in search of controlled flexibility. R&D Management, 40(4): 383-399.
24. Olausson, D. & Berggren, C. (2012), Managing asymmetries in information flows and interaction between R&D, manufacturing and service in complex product development, R&D Management, 42(4): 342-357.
23. Olausson, D. Magnusson, T. & Lakemond, N. (2009), Preserving the link between R&D and manufacturing: exploring challenges related to vertical integration and product/process newness, Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management. 15(2): 79-88.
22. Ottosson, M. & Magnussson, T. (2013), Socio-technical regimes and heterogeneous capabilities: The swedish pulp and paper industry’s response to energy policies, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 25(4): 355-368.
21. Rosell, D. & Lakemond, N. (2012), Collaborative innovation with suppliers - a conceptual model for characterising supplier contributions to NPD, International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning, 8(2): 197-214.
20. Rosell, D., Lakemond, N. & Wasti, N. (2014), Integrating Knowledge with Suppliers at the R&D-Manufacturing Interface, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 25(2): 240-257.
19. Säfsten, K., Johansson, G., Lakemond, N., Magnusson, T. (2014), Interface challenges and managerial issues in the industrial innovation process, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 25(2): 218-239.
18. Söderberg, L. & Bengtsson, L. (2010), Supply Chain Management Maturity and Performance in SME, Operations Management Research, 3(1): 90-97.
17. Söderlund, J. (2008), Competence dynamics and learning processes in project-based firms: shifting, adapting and leveraging, International Journal of Innovation Management. 12(1): 41-67.
16. Söderlund, J. (2010), Knowledge entrainment and project management: the case of large-scale transformation projects, International Journal of Project Management, 28(2): 130-141.
15. Söderlund, J. (2012), Project Management, interdependencies and time: A reflection on managing large systems by Sayles and Chandler, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 5(4): 617-633.

14. Söderlund, J. & Geraldi, J. (2013), Classics in project management: revisiting the past, creating the future, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 5(4): 559-577.
13. Söderlund, J. & Lenfle, S. (2013), Making project history: Revisiting the past, creating the future, International Journal of Project Management, 31(3): 653-662.
12. Söderlund, J. & Maylor, H. (2012) Project management scholarship: relevance, impact and five integrative challanges for business and management schools, International Journal of Project Management, 30: 686-696.
11. Söderlund, J. & Tell, F. (2009), Exploring the dynamics of the P-form organization: Project epochs in Asea/ABB 1950-2000, International Journal of Project Management, 27(2): 101-112.
10. Söderlund, J. & Tell, F. (2011), Strategy and Capabilities in the P-form Corporation: Linking Strategic Direction to Organizational Capabilities, Advances in Strategic Management, 28: 235-263.
9. Söderlund, J., A. Vaagaasaar & E. Andersen (2008), Relating, reflecting and routinizing: developing project competence in cooperation with others, International Journal of Project Management, 26(5): 517-526.
8. Sushandoyo, D. & Magnusson, T. (2014), Strategic niche management from a business perspective: Taking cleaner vehicle technologies from prototype to series production, Journal of Cleaner Production, 74: 17-26.

7. Sushandoyo, D. & Magnusson, T. (2012), A two-way relationship between multi-level technological change and organisational characteristics: cases involving the development of heavy hybrid buses, Technovation, 32(7-8):477-486.
6. Tell, F. (2008), Epilogue: Acquiring information and integrating knowledge in New Product Development projects, International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning, 4(2): 364-377.
5. von Haartman, R. & Bengtsson, L. (2015), The impact of global purchasing and supplier integration on product innovation, International Journal of Production and Operations Management, 35(9): 1295-1311.
4. Walker, D., F. Anbari, C. Bredillet, J. Söderlund, S. Cicmil & J. Thomas (2008). Collaborative Academic/Practitioner Research in Project Management: Examples and Applications, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 1(2): 168-192.
3. Wikström, K., K. Artto, J. Kujala & J. Söderlund (2010), Business models in project business, International Journal of Project Management, 28(8): 831-842.
2. Windahl, C. & Lakemond, N. (2010), Integrated solutions from a service-centered perspective: applicability and limitations in the capital goods industry, Industrial Marketing Management, 39(8): 1278-1290.
1. Yakob, R. & Tell, F. (2007), Managing Near Decomposability in Complex Platform Development Projects, International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning, 3(4): 387-407.

International books

6. Berggren, C., Bergek, A., M. Bengtsson, Hobday, L. & J. Söderlund  (eds.) (2011), Knowledge Integration and Innovation: Critical Challenges Facing International Technology-based Firms, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
5. Bredin, K. and J. Söderlund (2011) Human Resource Management in Project-based Organizations, Basingstoke: Palgrave/Macmillan.
4. Enberg, C., & Bredin, K. (2015), Sustaining and Developing Disciplinary Expertise in Project‐based Organizations: Balanced and Integrated Solutions, Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute, Inc.
3. Hillman, K., Rickne, A. & Magnusson, T. (eds.) Paving the road to sustainable transport, New York: Routledge.
2. Morris, P., J. Pinto and J. Söderlund (Eds.). (2011). Oxford Handbook of Project Management, Oxford: Oxford University Press
1. Tell, F., C. Berggren, S. Brusoni & A. van de Ven (eds.) (2016), Managing knowledge integration across boundaries, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Edited Special Issues in Scientific Journals

4. Brady, T. & J. Söderlund (2008) (eds.), Innovation in Projects, Projects in Innovation, International Journal of Project Management, 26(5).
3. Canonici, P., De Nito, E. Mangia, G. & Söderlund, J. (2013) (eds.), Organizational mechanisms and knowledge creation, International Journal of Project Managing Projects in Business, 6(3).

2. Hernes, T., Pinto, J. & Söderlund, J. (2013) (eds.), Managing in time, Scandinavian Journal of Management, 29(1).

1. Söderlund, J. & Lenfle, S. (2013) (eds.), Project history, International Journal of Project Management, 31(3).

Chapters in International Edited Research Volumes

35. Andersson, H. and C. Berggren (2011), Inventors as Innovators and Knowledge Integrators, in: Berggren, C., Bergek, A., M. Bengtsson, Hobday, L. and J. Söderlund (Eds.), Knowledge Integration and Innovation: Critical Challenges Facing International Technology-based Firms, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
34. Bengtsson, L. M. Dabhilkar and R. Von Haartman (2011), Knowledge Integration Challenges when Outsourcing Manufacturing, in: Berggren, C., Bergek, A., M. Bengtsson, Hobday, L. and J. Söderlund (Eds.), Knowledge Integration and Innovation: Critical Challenges Facing International Technology-based Firms, Oxford: Oxford University Press
33. Bengtsson, L., N. Lakemond, K. Laursen & F. Tell (2016), Open Innovation: Managing knowledge integration across multiple boundaries, in: Tell, F., C. Berggren, S. Brusoni & A. van de Ven (eds.) Managing knowledge integration across boundaries, Oxford: Oxford University Press
32. Bergek, A., C.Berggren and T. Magnusson (2010), Creative Accumulation: Integrating New and Established Technologies in Periods of Discontinuous Change, in: Berggren, C., Bergek, A., M. Bengtsson, Hobday, L. and J. Söderlund (Eds.), Knowledge Integration and Innovation: Critical Challenges Facing International Technology-based Firms, Oxford: Oxford University Press
31. Berggren, C., A Bergek, L. Bengtsson and J. Söderlund (2011), Exploring Knowledge Integration and Innovation, in: Berggren, C., Bergek, A., M. Bengtsson, Hobday, L. and J. Söderlund (Eds.) Knowledge Integration and Innovation: Critical Challenges Facing International Technology-based Firms, Oxford: Oxford University Press
30. Berggren, C., J. Sydow & F. Tell (2016), Relating knowledge integration and absorptive capacity: Knowledge boundaries and reflective agency in path-dependent processes, in: Tell, F., C. Berggren, S. Brusoni & A. van de Ven (eds.) Managing knowledge integration across boundaries, Oxford: Oxford University Press
29. Bredin, K. , C. Enberg, C. Niss & J. Söderlund (2016), Individual project competence: Managing knowledge integration across boundaries in: Tell, F., C. Berggren, S. Brusoni & A. van de Ven (eds.) Managing knowledge integration across boundaries, Oxford: Oxford University Press
28. Dabhilkar, M. and L. Bengtsson (2011), Trade-offs in Make – Buy Decisions: Exploring Operating Realities of Knowledge Integration and Innovation, in: Berggren, C., Bergek, A., M. Bengtsson, Hobday, L. and J. Söderlund (Eds.), Knowledge Integration and Innovation: Critical Challenges Facing International Technology-based Firms, Oxford: Oxford University Press
27. Hobday, M. and A. Bergek (2011), Lessons and Insights for Managers, in: Berggren, C., Bergek, A., M. Bengtsson, Hobday, L. and J. Söderlund (Eds.), Knowledge Integration and Innovation: Critical Challenges Facing International Technology-based Firms, Oxford: Oxford University Press
26. Hoefnagels, R., Bergek, A. and Lako, P. (2010): Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) plants. In: Junginger, M., van Sark, W. and Faaij, A. (Eds): Technological Learning in the Energy Sector. Lessons for Policy, Industry and Science. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, pp. 139-148.
25. Johansson, M., M. Axelson, C. Enberg and F. Tell (2011), Knowledge Integration in Inter-firm R&D Collaboration: How do Firms Manage Problems of Coordination and Cooperation? in: Berggren, C., Bergek, A., M. Bengtsson, Hobday, L. and J. Söderlund (Eds.), Knowledge Integration and Innovation: Critical Challenges Facing International Technology-based Firms, Oxford: Oxford University Press
24. Karabag, S. F. & C. Berggren (2016), Struggling with knowledge boundaries and stickiness: Case studies of innovating firms in an emerging economy, in: Tell, F., C. Berggren, S. Brusoni & A. van de Ven (eds.) Managing knowledge integration across boundaries, Oxford: Oxford University Press
23. Lenfle, S. & Söderlund, J. (2013) Project History: History meets projects. In: Gower handbook of project management, Aldershot: Gower Publishing. Forthcoming

22. Lindkvist, L. (2007). Epistemic communities, in: International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies Clegg, S. R. and Bailey, J. R. (eds.), SAGE Publications.
21. Lindkvist, L (2011). Knowledge Integration in Projects – A contingency framework. in Morris, Pinto and Söderlund (2011) (Eds.): Oxford University Press Handbook on Project Management, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
20. Lindkvist, L. & M. Bengtsson (2016), Bridging the individual-to-organization divide: A knowledge creation approach, in: Tell, F., C. Berggren, S. Brusoni & A. van de Ven (eds.) Managing knowledge integration across boundaries, Oxford: Oxford University Press
19. Lindkvist, L. M. Bengtsson and L. Wahlstedt (2011), Knowledge Integration and Creation in Projects: Towards a Progressive Epistemology, in: Berggren, C., Bergek, A., M. Bengtsson, Hobday, L. and J. Söderlund (Eds.), Knowledge Integration and Innovation: Critical Challenges Facing International Technology-based Firms, Oxford: Oxford University Press´
18. Magnusson, T. & N. Lakemond (2011), Knowledge Integration Processes in New Product Development: On the Dynamics of Deadlines and Architectures, in: Berggren, C., Bergek, A., M. Bengtsson, Hobday, L. and J. Söderlund (Eds.), Knowledge Integration and Innovation: Critical Challenges Facing International Technology-based Firms, Oxford: Oxford University Press
17. Magnusson, T. & Rickne, A. (2012) Multilevel governance and innovation system functionality: Hybrid-electric vehicle technology in Sweden 1990-2009, , in: Hillman, K., Rickne, A. & Magnusson, T. (eds.) Paving the road to sustainable transport, New York: Routledge.
16. Morris, P., J. Pinto & J. Söderlund (2011). Introduction: Researching the third wave of project management, in Morris, Pinto and Söderlund (2011) (Eds.): Oxford University Press Handbook on Project Management, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
15. Söderlund, J. (2011) Theoretical foundations of project management: suggestions for a pluralistic understanding, in Morris, Pinto and Söderlund (2011) (Eds.): Oxford University Press Handbook on Project Management, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
14. Nilsson, M., Rickne, A., Hillman, K. & Magnusson, T. (2012) The road ahead: Conclusions and governance implications, in: Hillman, K., Rickne, A. & Magnusson, T. (eds.) Paving the road to sustainable transport, New York: Routledge.
13. Söderlund, J. (2013) Project-based organizations: what are they? In: F. Chicchio, E.K. Kelloway & B. Hobbs (Eds.) The psychology and management of project teams: An interdisciplinary view, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
12. Söderlund, J. and F. Tell (2011). The P-form corporation: contingencies, characteristics and challenges, in Morris, Pinto and Söderlund (2011) (Eds.): Oxford University Press Handbook on Project Management, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
11. Söderlund, J. and K. Bredin (2011), Participants in the Process of Knowledge Integration, in: Berggren, C., Bergek, A., M. Bengtsson, Hobday, L. and J. Söderlund (Eds.), Knowledge Integration and Innovation: Critical Challenges Facing International Technology-based Firms, Oxford: Oxford University Press
10. Söderlund, J. and F. Tell, (2011), Knowledge Integration in a P-form Corporation: Project Epochs in the Evolution of Asea/ABB, 1945-2000, in: Berggren, C., Bergek, A., M. Bengtsson, Hobday, L. and J. Söderlund (Eds.), Knowledge Integration and Innovation: Critical Challenges Facing International Technology-based Firms, Oxford: Oxford University Press
9. Sushandoyo, D. Magnusson T. & Berggren, C. (2012), New forms of vehicle maker - supplier interdependence?: The case of electric motor development of heavy hybrid vehicles, In Calabrese G. (ed.) The Greening of the Automotive Industry, Palgrave.
8. Sushandoyo, D. Magnusson T. & Berggren, C. (2012), “Sailing ship effects” in the car industry? The competition between “new” and “old” technologies in the race for sustainable solutions in the global automotive industry, In: Calabrese G. (ed.) The Greening of the Automotive Industry, Basingstoke: Palgrave/Macmillan
7. Tell, F. (2008), ASEA – Managing Big Business the Swedish Way, in: Fellman, S. M., M. J. Iversen, H. Sjögren and L. Thue (eds.), Creating Nordic Capitalism: The Business History of a Competitive Periphery, Basingstoke: Palgrave/Macmillan.
6. Tell, F, (2011) Knowledge Integration and Innovation: A Survey of the Field, in: Berggren, C., Bergek, A., M. Bengtsson, Hobday, L. and J. Söderlund (Eds.), Knowledge Integration and Innovation: Critical Challenges Facing International Technology-based Firms, Oxford: Oxford University Press
5. Tell, F. (2014) Knowledge articulation, In: Teece, D.J. & Augier, M. (eds), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of strategic management, Palgrave/Macmillan.
4. Tell, F. (2016), Managing across knowledge boundaries, in: Tell, F., C. Berggren, S. Brusoni & A. van de Ven (eds.) Managing knowledge integration across boundaries, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
3. Tell, F., (2007), The electrical industry, In: Rider, C. (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Age of the Industrial Revolution: A Global History, Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group
2. Tell, F., C. Berggren, S. Brusoni & A. Van de Ven (2016), Introduction, in: Tell, F., C. Berggren, S. Brusoni & A. van de Ven (eds.) Managing knowledge integration across boundaries, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
1. Yakob, R. and F. Tell (2009), Detecting Errors Early: Management of problem-solving in product platform projects, in: Gawer, A. (ed.), Platforms, Markets and Innovation, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, US: Edward Elgar.

Books in Swedish
7. Andersson, H. & Berggren, C. (eds.) (2015), Kunskapsintegration och innovation i en internationaliserande ekonomi, Stockholm: Riksbankens jubileumsfond/Makadam förlag.
6. Bengtsson, L. & Lind, J. (eds.) (2013), Innovation eller kvartalskapitalism? Lund: Liber.
5. Lakemond, Nicolette & Fredrik Tell (eds.) (2016), Öppen innovation i teori och praktik, Lund: Studentlitteratur.
4. Stjernberg, T., J. Söderlund & E. Wikström (2008) (eds.), Projektliv: villkor för uthållig projektverksamhet, Lund: Studentlitteratur.
3. Säfsten, K., Johansson, G., Lakemond, N. & Magnusson, T. (2010), Effektiv produktframtagning - analys och hantering av osäkerhet, komplexitet och spridning, Lund: Studentlitteratur
2. Söderlund, J. (2007), Projektledning och projektkompetens: perspektiv på konkurrenskraft, Malmö: Liber. Second, revised edition.
1. Söderlund, J. & Tell, F. (eds.) (2012) Styrning: Med projekt och kunskap i fokus, Lund: Studentlitteratur

Other publications in Swedish/Scandinavian languages
38. Andersson, D. E. & F. Tell (2016), Teknikmarknader: Idéer som ekonomiska tillgångar, in: Lakemond, N. & F. Tell (eds.), Öppen innovation i teori och praktik, Lund: Studentlitteratur.
37. Andersson, H. & Berggren, C. (2012), Kreativitet och patentering i storföretag: Om de innovativa individernas betydelse för att skapa och bedöma nya idéer, in A. Richtnér, & J. Frishammar (eds.) Innovationsledning och kreativitet i svenska företag. Stockholm: Vinnova och Stiftelsen IMIT.

36. Andersson, H. & Nehler, H. (2012), Strategi och styrning, in: Söderlund, J. & Tell, F. (eds.) Styrning: Med projekt och kunskap i fokus, Lund: Studentlitteratur

35. Andersson, H. and Berggren, C. (2012), Kreativitet och patentering i storföretag: Om de innovativa individernas betydelse för att skapa och bedöma nya idéer, in A. Richtnér, & J. Frishammar (eds.) Innovationsledning och kreativitet i svenska företag. Stockholm: VINNOVA and Stiftelsen IMIT.
34. Bengtsson, L. and Wang, W. (2013), Cost innovation. in: Bengtsson, L. and Lind, J. (eds), Innovation eller kvartalskapitalism? Lund: Liber.
33. Bengtsson, L. och Lind, J. (2013), Balanserade produktionssystem; en möjlighet för global svensk produktion? . in: Bengtsson, L. and Lind, J. (eds.), Innovation eller kvartalskapitalism? Lund: Liber.
32. Bengtsson, L., N. Lakemond & F. Tell (2016), Hur arbetar svenska företag med öppen innovation? in: Lakemond, N. & F. Tell (eds.), Öppen innovation i teori och praktik, Lund: Studentlitteratur
31. Bengtsson, L., von Haartman, R. och Dabhilkar, M. (2013). Outsourcing eller kunskapsintegration? in: Bengtsson, L. and Lind, J. (eds.), Innovation eller kvartalskapitalism? Lund: Liber

30. Bengtsson, M. & Tell, F. (2012) Rutin - den tysta styrningen, in: Söderlund, J. & Tell, F. (eds.) Styrning: Med projekt och kunskap i fokus, Lund: Studentlitteratur

29. Bergek, A, Berggren,C. Jacobsson, S. (2008). Håller Sverige på att missa klimatutmaningens innovationspotential? In: Öhrvall et al (eds.) Ur Startblocken. Svensk innovationskraft II, Stockholm: Forum för Innovation och Management
28. Berggren, C. (2007), Behövs det någon Oljekommission? Ekonomisk Debatt, 35(1): 5-14.
27. Berggren, C. (2012) På spaning efter den goda styrningen - Lars Lindkvist och styrningens praktiska teori, in: Söderlund, J. & Tell, F. (eds.) Styrning: Med projekt och kunskap i fokus, Lund: Studentlitteratur

26. Berggren, C. and Laestadius, S. (2009), Kan krishantering och klimatomställning kombineras? Ekonomisk Debatt, 37(2): 13-27.
25. Berggren, C. (2009), Att klara klimatkrisen – Utmaningens skala och behovet av kombinerad närings- och klimatpolitik, in: Braunerhjelm, P. (ed.). Entreprenörskap och innovationer för hållbar utveckling, Stockholm: SNS
24. Borg, E. & Söderlund, J. (2012) Styrning i gränslandet - Teknikkonsulter och konflikterande styrningslogiker, in: Söderlund, J. & Tell, F. (eds.) Styrning: Med projekt och kunskap i fokus, Lund: Studentlitteratur.
23. Bredin, K. (2010). Projektarbejdsformen stiller nye krav til HR. Børsen Ledelseshåndbøger: Projektledelse, No. 6/Januar 2010.
22. Bredin, K. & Söderlund, J. (2012) HRM och styrning - Kollektiv styrning i det projektbaserade företaget, ur: Söderlund, J. & Tell, F. (red.) Styrning: Med projekt och kunskap i fokus, Lund: Studentlitteratur

21. Bredin, K. & J. Söderlund (2008), Den nya linjechefsrollen: exempel på förändringen av personalarbete i projektintensiva företag, in: Stjernberg et al (eds.), Projektliv: Villkor för uthållig projektverksamhet, Lund: Studentlitteratur.
20. Bredin, K. & Söderlund, J. (2010), HRM i projektintensive virksomheder - forandringer og utfordringer, Børsen Ledelseshåndbøger: Projektledelse No. 6/Januar 2010.
19. Dahlgren, J. & Söderlund, J. (2013), Ekonomistyrning av project, In: Nilsson, E. & Skoog, M., (eds.) Perspektiv på styrning, Malmö: Liber

18. Enberg, C. & Johansson, M. (2012), Kunskapsintegration i produktutvecklingsprojekt – Om möjligheterna att styra en dynamisk och framväxande process, ur: Söderlund, J. & Tell, F. (eds.) Styrning: Med projekt och kunskap i fokus, Lund: Studentlitteratur

17. Jonsson, A. & Tell, F. (2013), Knowledge management, In: Strannegård, L. & Styhre, A. (eds.) Management – An advanced introduction, Lund: Studentlitteratur
16. Lakemond, N. (2013), Innovation eller kostnadseffektivitet i försörjningskedjor? In: Bengtsson, L. and Lind, J. (eds.) Innovation eller kvartalskapitalism? Lund: Liber

15. Lakemond, N. & F. Tell (2016), På vid gavel? Perspektiv på öppen innovation, in: Lakemond, N. & F. Tell (eds.), Öppen innovation i teori och praktik, Lund: Studentlitteratur.
14. Lakemond, Nicolette & Fredrik Tell (2016), Öppen innovation i teori och praktik: En kort introduction, in: Lakemond, N. & F. Tell (eds.), Öppen innovation i teori och praktik, Lund: Studentlitteratur.
13. Larsson, M. and Tell, F. (2010), Två snilleföretags patentstrategier runt förra sekelskiftet, in: Patent och pirater: Patentstrategier och varumärken under 100 år, Näringslivshistoria: 3, Stockholm: Centrum för Näringslivshistoria.
12. Lovén, E., Lakemond, N., Detterfelt, J. (2012), Arbetssätt för kreativitet och innovation i produktutveckling, in: Richtnér, A., Frishammar, J. (eds), Innovationsledning och kreativitet i svenska företag, VINNOVA och Stiftelsen IMIT, VINNOVA Rapport VR 2012:02, Stockholm.
11. Melander, L. & F. Tell (2016), Att hantera osäkerhet vid val av leverantör i öppen innovation, in: Lakemond, N. & F. Tell (eds.), Öppen innovation i teori och praktik, Lund: Studentlitteratur
10. Söderlund, J. (2007), Projekt som organisationsform: ett kunskapsperspektiv, in D. Kärreman and A. Rehn (eds.), Organisation: teorier om ordning och oordning, Malmö: Liber.
9. Söderlund, J. (2008), Strategisk och operativ styrning i projektorienterad verksamhet, in G. Nilsson (ed.), Bonniers Ledarskapshandböcker – Ekonomistyrning, Stockholm: Bonniers
8. Söderlund, J. (2008), Mellan kaos och koma: liminalitetskompetens i kunskapskollektiv, in: Stjernberg et al (eds.), Projektliv: Villkor för uthållig projektverksamhet, Lund: Studentlitteratur.
7. Söderlund, J. (2012), Styrning, tid och kreativa projekt, ur: Söderlund, J. & Tell, F. (red.) Styrning: Med projekt och kunskap i fokus, Lund: Studentlitteratur
6. Söderlund, J. & Tell, F. (2012), Organisationsform och styrning - Exemplet Saab 1995-2007 och framväxten av en P-formsorganisation, in: Söderlund, J. & Tell, F. (eds.) Styrning: Med projekt och kunskap i fokus, Lund: Studentlitteratur
5. Söderlund, J. & Tell, F. (2012), Styrning: Insikter, avsikter, utsikter, in: Söderlund, J. & Tell, F. (eds.) Styrning: Med projekt och kunskap i fokus, Lund: Studentlitteratur.
4. Stjernberg, T., J. Söderlund and E. Wikström (2008), Projektlivets villkor: Några inledande betraktelser, in: Stjernberg, Söderlund and Wikström (eds.), Projektliv: Villkor för uthållig projektverksamhet, Lund: Studentlitteratur.
3. Tell, F. (2012), Kunskapsstyrning och kunskapstyper: Kunskapstuben, ur: Söderlund, J. & Tell, F. (eds.) Styrning: Med projekt och kunskap i fokus, Lund: Studentlitteratur

2. Tell, F. (2012), Management i samverkan: En kraftfull svensk modell?, ur: Ottosson, J. & L. Magnusson (eds.), Den hållbara svenska modellen, Stockholm, SNS Förlag.
1. Yakob, R., Bengtsson, M. & Wahlstedt, L. (2012), Att styra problemlösning, ur: Söderlund, J. & Tell, F. (eds.) Styrning: Med projekt och kunskap i fokus, Lund: Studentlitteratur.

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