Critical editions of Works of Classical Swedish Authors
1) How the infrastructure was used and what kind of research it has enabled
The aim of the project has been to continue the scholarly publishing of Swedish classics that has been under the auspices of Svenska Vitterhetssamfundet/The Swedish Society for Belles Lettres since 1910. The editions are in themselves the result of research work. Thanks to the infrastructure funding, the following scholarly editions have been published during the years 2015–2019:
-Adolph Törneros, Brev och dagboksanteckningar [Letters and diary]V. Kommentar [Commentary], by Torkel Stålmarck (2 vol., 2015 and 2016)
-Fredrika Bremer, Hertha, ed. Åsa Arping & Gunnel Furuland (2016)
-Olof von Dalin, Poesi [Poetry] I:2 och II:2. Text och kommentar [Text and commentary] ed. Ingemar Carlsson, James Massengale & Barbro Ståhle Sjönell (2 vol., 2017 and 2018)
-L'Histoire de La Reine Christine [The Autobiography of Queen Christina], ed. Eva Hættner Aurelius (2019)
-Phosphoros, vol. 3 (1812/13), introduction by Paula Henrikson (2019)
All the editions above have been sent to Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ)
2) Technical and methodological problems that could not be anticipated and deviations from the original plan
The Törneros edition turned out more voluminous than expected and was released in two volumes instead of one, as originally planned, for a more easily manageable format. Also the autobiography of Queen Christina became a more problematic and time-consuming work than expected, due to a complicated text situation and because the Queen's authograph was very difficult to read and demanded consultation of an external reviewer who could not, however, immediately undertake the assignment. In addition, for some months Kristina's authograph manuscript was not to be found in the National Archives, which also delayed the work. Furthermore, the facsimile edition of Phosphoros was delayed because the editor, Paula Henrikson, had a scholarship in Göttingen during one year. Finally, we have not been able to make use of the funding obtained for publishing the commentary on Thomas Thorild's Prose Writings since the editor, Staffan Bengtsson, has not been able to deliver manuscript for this volume and the funds has therefore not been requisitioned. The commentary will in the future be completed by another editor.
The overall schedule in the project application has not been kept. Working with critical editions, especially when editors must prioritize their normal duties/employments, often causes delays due to new findings and because working with commentary and text establishing, the review process turns out to be more time consuming than planned.
3) The integration of the work into the organization and how the infrastructure will be maintained in the long term
Svenska Vitterhetssamfundet is a long-term non profit organisation and the infrastructure is continuously maintained by an editorial staff and through the work of the Board. The books are stored in the society's premises in Stockholm. The editions are also published in electronic form in Litteraturbanken/The Swedish Literature Bank, which works long-term to preserve the Swedish literary heritage in digital form. Important for Svenska Vitterhetssamfundet is to facilitate access to older Swedish literature in scholarly editions and that these editions should be used by students, researchers and a broader reading audience. Our editions are intended to inspire literary scholars to pursue new research tasks.
The two volumes of Dalin's Poetry financed by funding from Riksbankens Jubileumsfond are parts of an already initiated series that will be continued, most notably with additional poetry volumes (text and commentary separately). The Törneros edition, where the first booklet was published as early as 1950, has now been completed with the publication of the two commentary volumes thanks to the funding, but the main series in which the edition is included, Svenska författare utgivna av Svenska Vitterhetssamfundet, continues. In this way, experience and knowledge obtained during the work with the Törneros edition are passed on to the society's publishers and editors in their work with other editions. Hertha is also included in the series Svenska författare. Ny serie where a further volume has already been published with funding from another foundation than Riksbankens Jubileumsfond. And Phosphoros ends the part of the facsimile series where all three volumes of this 'monthly magazine' are published. Regarding Queen Kristina's autobiography, important knowledge and experiences have been gained through the work on the edition, especially regarding commentary in English, which has contributed significantly to the development of competence of the editorial staff of Svenska Vitterhetssamfundet.
4) Accessibility of the infrastructure and relationship to Open Access and Open Science
All editions financed with the infrastructure funding have been sent out to the members of SvenskaVitterhetssamfundet, who, for a fee of SEK 300 / year, normally receive two books per year. The books are also available for purchase in all bookstores connected to the Bokinfo database. Furthermore, the editions are, or will be, freely available in Litteraturbanken, which in agreement with Svenska Vitterhetssamfundet publishes all the editions in electronic form. Also, upon agreement with Svenska Vitterhetssamfundet, publishers may freely use the established texts for modernizations, translations or publishing of individual works. This has happened most recently with Daniel Möller's and Niklas Schiöler's anthology Svensk poesi (2016), intended primarily for college and university use, where texts from Svenska Vitterhetssamfundet's editions were used for 22 of the authors in the anthology and also with Samuel Columbus Odae Sveticae, published in N / L's poetry library (2019), where text, notes and commentary are taken from the Columbus edition of Svenska Vitterhetssamfundet.
5) International cooperation
Professor em. musicologist James Massengale, formerly active at UCLA, has been continuously involved in the Dalin edition and has been of invaluable help in working with the commentary, especially in tracing tunes to Dalin's poetry. Furthermore, the work with Bremer's Hertha can be linked to the editor Professor Åsa Arping's participation in the VR-funded project (2014–2016) "Swedish Women Writers on Export in the 19th Century" with Professor Yvonne Leffler as project manager. The project as a whole has offered a substantial re-evaluation of the worldwide importance of Swedish female writers during the 19th century. Professor Arping's contributions to the project include a study of Fredrika Bremer's Hertha – its translation, launch, dissemination and reception, especially in the 1850s USA. Aping has participated in a number of international conferences with papers on Hertha within the framework of the project.
6) Publications created as a result of the research carried out in connection with the infrastructure
Editions published within the framework of the infrastructure project are listed earlier in this report. These editions are expected to form the basis for future research. One publication that has already been produced partly as an effect of the Dalin-project is Daniel Möller's Rolldiktningens poetik. Olof von Dalins experimentella tillfällesdiktning (2019). Furthermore, the Hertha edition has so far generated an essay in Årstasällskapet för Fredrika Bremerstudier series no 9: Hertha – 'en vexel dragen på framtiden', by the editors Åsa Arping and Gunnel Furuland.
7) Links to web pages
Until now, Litteraturbanken has been able to submit the following editions belonging to the infrastructure project:
Fredrika Bremers Hertha
Adolf Törneros Brev och dagboksanteckningar (kommentar)