Katarina Blomkvist

Intrapreneurship in Sweden

It is obvious that our world is facing a number of pressing challenges. Around the clock media informs us on ongoing conflicts, pandemics, climate-change and social inequality. Interestingly, the leaps taken over the past decades in technological and social progress have not attenuated these “grand” challenges. Rather, the progress made has, if anything, heightened the need for new solutions and contributions from a diverse set of actors. One of the key players in meeting such challenges are undoubtedly large and resourceful corporations engaged in research and development and renewal processes. Intrapreneurial new venturing, or the pursuit of new ideas within already established corporations, is at the heart of the ongoing challenges in the world. Despite the documented benefits many companies nevertheless find it difficult to generate the diverse and novel advancements that are necessary for growth and survival in an increasingly fast-moving and unpredictable business environment. This project in the form of a book and two papers set out to addresses a largely uncharted question in research on intrapreneurship and organizational renewal in terms of equality and sustainability. Collectively, they shed empirical light on the effects of an in all probability recurrent and impactful phenomenon, which is of significant interest from both a managerial and policy perspective.
Grant administrator
Uppsala University
Reference number
SEK 611,323
RJ Sabbatical
Business Administration