Researchers appointed to Pro Futura Scientia XVII


Pro Futura is an advanced research program in the humanities and social sciences that offers researchers at the beginning of their careers to research and develop their skills for five years and is then offered tenure-track positions at the nominating university.

Together with the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study (SCAS), the Riksbank's Jubileumsfond runs Pro Futura, where universities and colleges are invited to nominate researchers.

Pro Futura Scientia XVII:
Eugene Costello, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Stockholm University (nominated by Stockholm University)
Academic discipline/field of study: Landscape archaeology; environmental history
Research project: ‘Sunny Uplands’? The Origins and Impacts of Commercial Livestock Husbandry in Europe’s Mountains

David Karlander, FRIAS, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, and School of English, University of Hong Kong (nominated by the Department of Scandinavian Languages, Uppsala University)
Academic discipline/field of study: Nordic and general linguistics 
Research project: Making Languages, Making Linguistics:  Invented Languages as Topics and Tools in Twentieth-Century Language Sciences

Sari Nauman, Department of Historical Studies, University of Gothenburg (nominated by University of Gothenburg)
Academic discipline/field of study: History, Refugee Studies
Research project: Outsiders Within: Internally Displaced Persons in Early Modern Europe

Julia Velkova, Department of Thematic Studies – Technology and Social Change, Linköping University (nominated by Linköping University)
Academic discipline/field of study: Media and Communication Studies
Research project: When Communication Networks Come to Die: Socio-Cultural Perspectives on Infrastructural Dismantling